A Quote by P. D. James

If from infancy you treat children as gods, they are liable in adulthood to act as devils. — © P. D. James
If from infancy you treat children as gods, they are liable in adulthood to act as devils.
gods are children's blankets that get carried over into adulthood.
Gods suppressed become devils, and often it is these devils whom we first encounter when we turn inward.
The devil and God are components of a Siamese twin. Neither has any existence apart from the other. In denying the existence of the one, Christians have helped to kill the other. If there need to be no fear of hell, people may well ask what is the attraction of heaven? Gods and devils were born together. Gods and devils will die together.
Nothing ensures the success of the child more in the society than being read to from infancy to young adulthood. Reading books to and with children is the single most important thing a parent, grandparent, or significant adult can do.
As every parent knows, children go through an adolescent growth spurt, during which they put on inches at an alarming rate. Humans are unique in this respect: most mammalian species, including apes, progress almost directly from infancy to adulthood.
There are gods, but there is no God; and all gods become devils eventually.
The gods spend the wealth the universe gathers, they scan the wonders and fling them to nothingness. That's why they're the gods! I told you they were devils.
This evil, this concept, it comes from disappointment, from bitterness! Don't you see? Children of Satan! Children of God! Is this the only question you bring to me, is this the only power that obsesses you, so that you must make us gods and devils yourself when the only power that exists is inside ourselves? How could you believe in these old fantastical lies, these myths, these emblems of the supernatural?
I don't believe in God. I believe gods and devils are within us. It's our own battle. Our life's battle is to appeal to the gods within us, and to fight the devils within us.
My change from girl to boy was far less dramatic than the distance anybody travels from infancy to adulthood.
You have to make doubt and devils obey you. Don't ever treat the devil nice. Treat him mean and tell him what to do.
Part of the thrill of guiding children into adulthood is the release. But it's also a parent's greatest act of surrender. Still, you have to let them go. Start now.
If you treat people like adults they will act like adults, but if you treat them like children they will act like children.
In 1990, when we started the Black Community Crusade for Children, we were always talking about all children, but we paid particular attention to children who were not white, who were poor, who were disabled, and who were the most vulnerable.Parents didn't think their children would live to adulthood, and the children didn't think they were going to live to adulthood. That's when we started our first gun-violence campaign. We've lost 17 times more young black people to gun violence since 1968 than we lost in all the lynching in slavery.
Respect the gods and the devils but keep them at a distance
I try and treat my children from the age of ten months as if they were totally grown up, which I think is the only way to treat children.
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