A Quote by P. J. O'Rourke

Watching Republicans in Washington is like watching lemmings, if lemmings jumped into cesspools instead of off cliffs. Splash! There goes Mark Foley! — © P. J. O'Rourke
Watching Republicans in Washington is like watching lemmings, if lemmings jumped into cesspools instead of off cliffs. Splash! There goes Mark Foley!
Watching Republicans in Washington is like watching lemmings, if lemmings jumped into cesspools instead of off cliffs.
Lemmings with suicide vests. It's kind of an insult to lemmings to call them lemmings, so they'd have to be more than just a lemming, because jumping to your death is not enough.
I'm driving down the freeway the other day, on my way to Knott's Scary Farm probably, and I hear this report on NPR that the whole lemmings thing was faked in the 1950s. They were shooting a wildlife documentary in the '50s, they found a group of lemmings, and the crew chased them all off a cliff. No lemming has ever jumped off a cliff, purposefully, ever. Isn't that unbelievable?
I believed that lemmings really jump off of cliffs.
Not a moment passes these days without fresh rushes of academic lemmings off the cliffs they proclaim the political responsibilities of the critic, but eventually all this moralizing will subside.
I always had watched pro wrestling. I happened to be watching the WWE Network one day and started watching differently: I wasn't watching it as a fan, but instead I was watching it as something that I could possibly be a part of.
Our leaders are acting like lemmings.
Record companies, they're just like lemmings.
The Republicans finally got some good news over the weekend. The North Koreans set off a nuclear bomb. Thank God. It was so powerful it knocked the Mark Foley story right off the front page. And knocked him off the page he was on, too.
Venture capitalists are like lemmings jumping on the software bandwagon.
I've probably said a million times in my life something about, "All those people are just lemmings. They'd follow each other off a cliff." Well, no such thing.
It's kind of like an out of body experience, watching my words being spoken by the actors, watching the portrayal of me by John David Washington.
We're all sheep and lemmings to some degree.
A pack of lemmings looks like a group of rugged individualists compared with Wall Street when it gets a concept in its teeth.
I'm always watching. I'm watching everybody. San Antonio, Houston, Golden State, Washington, Boston, I'm watching everything. And my mind is always going: it's always running, and you're always trying to get an advantage somehow.
A: The soul wanders in the dark, until it finds love. And so, wherever our love goes, there we find our soul. Q: It always happens? A: If we're lucky. And if we let ourselves be blind. Q: Instead of watching out? A: Instead of always watching out.
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