A Quote by P. J. Tucker

Some people - which I don't understand - kind of get mad like I'm disrespecting shoes. I'm like, 'They are sneakers, they are meant to be worn, meant to be played in.' And I hate when people use them as trophies. They are sneakers. It's one of my pet peeves. I got pairs if I don't want to wear, I will get a couple pairs of them.
I got, like, 120 pairs of glasses and 800 pairs of sneakers.
I have a couple of go-to sneakers off the pitch. I like to have shoes that I can slip on and wear with anything. I travel often, so it's about finding those two or three pairs of shoes that can go with any outfit, whether they go with leggings or a skirt or a dress or jeans.
I'm at like 325 pairs right now, give or take. But I've given away about 200 pairs of sneakers. I'm not as big of a collector as I used to be, because I think the game just got weird. Everybody likes to collect now, so it's kind of corny. But I got the essentials.
It's funny, I probably have 500 pairs of shoes - all these sneakers or whatever that I've collected - but when push comes to shove, I always end up wearing the same two or three pairs.
I'm not like a super duper sneaker head. I got a couple pairs, but I'm not a "stand in line for sneakers" type of dude.
I have as many pairs of sneakers as I have shoes.
I have close to 300 pairs of shoes. I'm fortunate enough to be in a position to get any shoes I want. So I have a pretty nice collection. It's pretty valuable. It's funny when sometimes I buy a pair of shoes and I look on eBay and it's already selling for $500. I just wanted to buy those shoes to wear them!
Formal is formal. I can't wear sneakers all the time. Sometimes, I wear other shoes. It's not my challenge designing formal - it's so boring - but it's still important. I sell a lot of classic black sneakers made from every material because everyone loves black, and if you mix and match material, you get an opera.
I've been spoiled being in the fashion business. My son will be like, 'Mommy, 20 new pairs of shoes came today. How come?' Because I'm always telling him it's not normal to have 20 pairs of tennis shoes to try on before school.
I think I would have one favourite jacket, one favourite pair of sneakers - like, from every kind of thing I do have my favourite - but they're often the things I wear the least because I just want to keep them nice, so I don't really tend to wear them as much.
The way I was raised, you get a new pair of sneakers when the old one gets messed up. But when I got to high school, I started dating girls and trying to fit in, and I realized everybody was collecting Jordans. When I would get my paychecks, I wouldn't even take money. I would just trade them for sneakers.
I own at least 300 pairs of sneakers.
You know, you cannot be comfortable on a high heel shoes the way you would be in sneakers. But, you know, not everyone wants to be on sneakers. Sneakers are for different purposes.
I still feel like I'm really into fashion. I even think sneakers are a fashion item as well. I'm still into sneakers and clothes. Even though I don't wear or buy those things, I find that I'm still like looking for them. I can't wear it, but I still think it's interesting when I see it.
I've got more than 600 pairs of Ray-Ban sunglasses, from 1950s originals to newer models. I have them on the wall like opticians do so I can pick out a pair that goes with my outfit. I had around 30 pairs, then my husband Rainer started getting them for me as birthday and Christmas gifts.
I would have people send me shoes and I had 40 pairs and none would fit in the dorm room. People would come by and be like, "Yo, I've been looking for these shoes." I was like, "I'll sell them to you for $300 right now." I'd sell them, save up $4,000 to $5,000, go to the mall and just buy a bunch of new stuff.
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