A Quote by Pandurang Shastri Athavale

Action not backed by knowledge and knowledge not translatable into action, both can not stand the test of time. — © Pandurang Shastri Athavale
Action not backed by knowledge and knowledge not translatable into action, both can not stand the test of time.
Knowledge and devotion, to be true, have to stand the test of renunciation of the fruits of action.
The knowledge we now consider knowledge proves itself in action. What we now mean by knowledge is information effective in action, information focused on results. Results are outside the person, in society and economy, or in the advancement of knowledge itself. To accomplish anything this knowledge has to be highly specialized.
Thinking is progress. Non-thinking is stagnation of the individual, organisation and the country. Thinking leads to action. Knowledge without action is useless and irrelevant. Knowledge with action, converts adversity into prosperity.
Knowledge, the object of knowledge and the knower are the three factors which motivate action; the senses, the work and the doer comprise the threefold basis of action.
Knowledge is theory. We should be thankful if action of management is based on theory. Knowledge has temporal spread. Information is not knowledge. The world is drowning in information but is slow in acquisition of knowledge. There is no substitute for knowledge.
The only knowledge that can truly orient action is knowledge that frees itself from mere human interests and is based in Ideas - in other words knowledge that has taken a theoretical attitude.
The end of being is to know; and if you say, the end of knowledge is action,-why, yes, but the end of that action again, is knowledge.
Knowledge must come through action. You can have no test which is not fanciful, save by trial.
The endless cycle of idea and action, / Endless invention, endless experiment, / Brings knowledge of motion, but not of stillness; / Knowledge of speech, but not of silence; / Knowledge of words, and ignorance of The Word.
Knowledge kills action; action requires the veils of illusion.
Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile.
Knowledge without action is wastefulness and action without knowledge is foolishness.
It is manifest that all government of action is to be gotten by knowledge, and knowledge best, by gathering many knowledges, which is reading.
Any man is educated who knows where to get knowledge when he needs it, and how to organize that knowledge into definite plans of action.
Knowledge without action, is like having no knowledge at all!
The spoken word converts individual knowledge into mutual knowledge, and there is no way back once you've gone over that cliff. Saying nothing was more amendable, and over time I'd come to see that it was usually your best course of action.
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