A Quote by Paola Antonelli

Beauty and elegance are a right, not a surplus... . We must demand, at least, intention. — © Paola Antonelli
Beauty and elegance are a right, not a surplus... . We must demand, at least, intention.
The elegance of the Italian South is a very strong elegance and it is one that I bring. It is a sexy elegance - or at least, let's say less chaste.
The 50s are the age of elegance. That's kind of my intention when I get dressed: casual elegance.
Elegance must be the right combination of distinction, naturalness, care and simplicity. Outside this, believe me, there is no elegance. Only pretension.
As a writer, I demand the right to write any character in the world that I want to write. I demand the right to be them, I demand the right to think them and I demand the right to tell the truth as I see they are.
In the right hands, a comic strip attains a beauty and elegance that, really, I would put against any other art.
Beauty is power and elegance, right action, form fitting function, intelligence, and reasonability. And very often expressed in curves.
Exactness of intention produces elegance of style.
To transform the world, we must begin with ourselves; and what is important in beginning with ourselves is the intention. The intention must be to understand ourselves and not to leave it to others to transform themselves or to bring about a modified change through revolution, either of the left or of the right. It is important to understand that this is our responsibility, yours and mine.
Personal beauty requires that one should be tall; little people may have charm and elegance, but beauty-no.
The naive which is simultaneously beautiful, poetic, and idealistic, must be both intention and instinct. The essence of intention, in this sense, is freedom. Consciousness is far from intention. There is a certain enamoured contemplation of one's own naturalness or silliness which itself is unspeakably silly. Intention does not necessarily require a profound calculation or plan.
I just love good movies. And not every movie you're going to end up in is always going to turn out right, but at least walk into it with the right intention.
Since, however, the reduced surplus value is to be distributed among them in like manner, the modification of their respective parts in the production of surplus value must find expression in a modification of the prices.
In a slow-growing world that is short on aggregate demand, Germany's trade surplus is a problem.
It is important to notice that these badly functioning designs were praised for 'elegance.' But elegance as theoretical scientists apply it is quite different. The elegance of a mathematical formula is that it explains a phenomenon beautifully, with no parts left over. In design, elegance is more readily perceived as a property of product than of process. If we had more elegant theories, we might look to design for more than elegance.
The lovers of beauty must unite in a league, and carry out some great propagandist work through the country. They must demand the extermination of the bulldog and the dismantling of the cheap villa, both of which are responsible for a deal of our contentment amid ugliness.
You will allow that one's curiosity must be aroused when one learns that a lady is prepared to elope to escape from advances one had not the least intention of making!
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