A Quote by Paracelsus

Everything is a drug; it depends on the dose. — © Paracelsus
Everything is a drug; it depends on the dose.
In modern pharmacology it's so clear that even if you have a fixed dose of a drug, the individuals respond very differently to one and the same dose.
If you're really on some heavily addictive drug, you think about the drug, and everything else is secondary. You try and make everything work, but the drug comes first.
Everything that depends on the action of nature is by nature as good as it can be, and similarly everything that depends on art or any rational cause, and especially if it depends on the best of all causes.
There is no safe dose of radiation since radiation is cumulative. Harm in the form of excess human cancer occurs at all doses of ionizing radiation, down to the lowest conceivable dose and dose rate.
It is not enough to show that drug A is better than drug B on the average. One is invited to ask, 'For which people ("& why") is drug A better than drug B, and vice versa? If drug A cures 40% and drug B cures 60%, perhaps the right choice of drug for each person would result in 100% cures.'
We're all in the same room, so I want people to be involved with one another, but again you can't decide exactly to what extent that operates. It varies all the time and it depends on the show, it depends on the audience, it depends on everything.
Families fighting childhood cancer should not have to worry about where they're going to get the next dose of the drug they need to save their child's life.
I want everything, but I can say I have a lot of goals and I have a lot of wishes, but it doesn't depend on me. If everything depends on me, I am doing it. Sometimes it just depends on how everything is going to go.
I wonder if one can view risk like a drug, beneficial to the organism in the proper dose. Too much or too little may be harmful.
I'm militantly anti-drug abuse but love everything Keith Richards and some other drug goofballs do.
We need a dose of doubt and a dose of faith, to challenge each other.
If one person sits down at their computer one day and types one word, dose that affect the future? If that one person didn't type that one word, would the future's history be changed? Dose their one word even mean anything? Dose my one (times a lot) word mean anything? Dose that one person's one word even get read-once? If I wasn't sitting here writing my words, would my future be different?
Tout est poison, rien n'est poison, tout est une question de dose. Everything is poisonous, nothing is poisonous, it is all a matter of dose.
Most medical physicists work in the physics of radiation oncology making sure that the desired dose is given to the cancer and the dose to normal tissues are minimized.
From the point of view of the pharmaceutical industry, the AIDS problem has already been solved. After all, we already have a drug which can be sold at the incredible price of $8,000 an annual dose, and which has the added virtue of not diminishing the market by actually curing anyone.
It's difficult to say what's luck and what's not because everything depends on what you learn along the way, and that depends on you as an individual. So I suppose, no, I don't believe in it.
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