A Quote by Parker Conrad

At Wikinvest, which got renamed Sigfig, we were constantly just two or three months away from not being able to make payroll. — © Parker Conrad
At Wikinvest, which got renamed Sigfig, we were constantly just two or three months away from not being able to make payroll.
The negative about acting is that you have to spend a great deal of time away from your friends and loved ones, but it's not like working a 9-5 job and only having two or three weeks off a year. I may not have seen my girlfriend for two or three months, but then we can spend two or three months together solidly.
If the business were a play, Act One is: Woohoo, bright and bushy-tailed. We're going to make something great! Act Two is: We're six months behind on back-end development. We're trying to raise venture capital. We're trying to figure out what furniture we should sell to make payroll.
I didn't want to do two years in the regular army, my music career was just getting started. So, I joined the Guard where, after going to weekend meetings, you'd do six months of active duty, with three months of basic training and three months of on-the-job training.
Usually, you can live very well for two, three months, then you're in trouble. Every coach, I think, is like this. For two months, you're happy because you have time, and after two months, you miss adrenaline.
There were several appeals, but I ruined it all by escaping after three years inside. I was being transported to court and we stopped to use the rest room. There were two sheriffs and I managed to get away. I out-ran a helicopter, got on the aeroplane and went to Florida.
You have to have a military and intelligence approach to removing leadership that results in rapid frequent removals from the battlefield. It's got to be one, two a week, not just one or two every three or four months.
Actually, there was one sequence but Liv didn't put this in but at the end of the movie, we ran out of money. Literally, ran out. And I couldn't make payroll. So I emptied all our accounts to make payroll. We were kinda like, "What do we do?" Then out of the blue, we were saved by Gucci. So it's always been like, you just gotta reach for the stars and hopefully the moon will catch you.
I may not have seen my girlfriend for two or three months, but then we can spend two or three months together solidly. It's swings and roundabouts.
Being away from loved ones can be very hard. Taxing. With a tour, you don't know whether you'll see each other in three weeks, three months, or three days.
I think there's a huge gap between no longer qualifying for benefits and being able to afford a life without benefits. When I went off government assistance - six months before I got the book deal - there were some months that were lean, I mean literally lean, like I lost a lot of weight. I could barely afford food.
I only toured for three months. As soon as I got off [tour], I was just dying to start recording, because it was on my mind: 'I've got to make another record now.' And I was totally excited.
Obama's got a great sense of humor, but mainly he has a great thinking presence, which is uncommon. It's hard to imagine being able to do, think over answers and deliver them on television. If I were president I would constantly be spluttering.
I actually once sat at the back of a payroll class in America - just me and 40 women! And I'm sitting back there, learning payroll, because I want to understand it. So that when I talk to people about payroll I know what they're talking about. And I set up and managed and ran a full payroll system myself.
There are times as an actor when you don't work for two months, sometimes three or sometimes six, and the only thing that's going to keep you sane is if you give back and live your life. I've definitely gone through that. It's like, 'Okay, I'm out of work for two months.' That's two months I can paint.
I was seized on the 8th of June, 1824, in consequence of the war with Bengal and, in company with Dr. Price, three Englishmen, one American, and one Greek, was thrown into the death prison at Ava, where we lay eleven months - nine months in three pairs and two months in five pairs of fetters.
I trained three or four days a week for two and a half months, before they'd even let me near the real dress. And I destroyed two practice dresses completely. They were just ripped to shreds. They looked like cats had gotten a hold of them.
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