A Quote by Pascal Siakam

Yeah, I'm definitely really good at 'FIFA.' — © Pascal Siakam
Yeah, I'm definitely really good at 'FIFA.'
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I recently talked to an eighteen-year-old - a huge FIFA fan - and realized that he spends more time playing the FIFA video game than he does watching actual FIFA games.
At the FIFA World Player of the Year event, FIFA executives and FIFA president Sepp Blatter didn't know who I was. And I was being honored as top three in the world. That was pretty shocking.
It's pretty cool I'm known for FIFA. If you think of KSI, people instantly think, 'Ah, that FIFA YouTuber.' I didn't think I would be up there as the ambassador of FIFA on YouTube, but I'll take it.
When I'm not working out, playing football or working with Vita Coco, I'm a video game nerd. I love playing video games. I'm really good at FIFA. I'm not one of those guys that uses Barcelona or Real Madrid to win. My skills are real, so I don't need a loaded team to dominate. You don't want to play me in FIFA.
Yeah, we've become really good friends. Our characters start dating in the book, and um, yeah, I think we - and we made up little back stories to our characters and little outtakes that we'd bring up to Edgar as a joke, and you know, kind of see different sides of stuff. So yeah, we have a really good time.
I have known Sepp Blatter, FIFA and football for a long time, and there are some fundamental values which FIFA and the ICRC share.
If I was a research scientist, I'd want people to say, 'You know what, he's a great research scientist, that Ricky Gervais. He's really good, really good.' You know, I'd go to award ceremonies for research scientists and go, 'Yeah, I really worked hard, yeah.' It's brilliant.
I went to see every angler on the bank to see how they were doing, to try to give them a few tips or whatever. But yeah, we had a lot of fun. It was definitely a good time and we're definitely going to do it again next year.
Yeah I play a lot of 'FIFA' and 'NHL' - I don't want to just play football, I like to mix it up.
The Women's World Cup gives FIFA a chance, once every four years, to showcase the growth of women's soccer. It gives FIFA a highly visible opportunity to encourage countries around the globe to also support their women's programs. It gives FIFA the forum to show countries the potential of women's soccer if only you support it.
I have non-breaking news for you: FIFA does not care what you think. Over the years, FIFA has never seemed influenced by what is written or said in papers, articles, tweets, blogs, and on television about how it operates.
Yeah, I really like being alive. But I definitely don't have any intentions as an artist.
I could definitely rock out to Kraftwerk's "Tour De France," Tubeway Army, or Gary Numan. All of that stuff has an infectious beat, but with "Oh Yeah," I can't even identify what's going on. It sounds like typewriter keys, a couple of synth notes and then this really deep "Oh yeah," which I always picture as Andre The Giant on vocals.
Fifa urgently needs a fresh start and transparency is key. Moving its headquarters is the only way the association will attract new people, many of whom are likely to have long lost faith with Fifa's ability to govern.
I definitely love touring with Yachty. His fans are honestly really nice, because I've been in front of some mean crowds. They're definitely a diverse, alternative crowd that just want to hear good music and have a good time.
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