A Quote by Pat Riley

Management must speak with one voice. When it doesn't management itself becomes a peripheral opponent to the team's mission. — © Pat Riley
Management must speak with one voice. When it doesn't management itself becomes a peripheral opponent to the team's mission.
Time management is really personal management, life management. and management of yourself.
We live in a world where the laws are getting so tight that management has changed to micro-management to quantum-management to paralysis.
When I wear the hat of management, it is important that our management behaves and conducts as management accountable to the board.
Management did not emanate from nature. Management is not a tree: it's a television set. Somebody invented it. It doesn't mean it's going to work forever. Management is great. Traditional notions of management are great if you want compliance. But if you want engagement, self-direction works better.
The essence of investment management is the management of risks, not the management of returns.
When management owns stock, then rewarding the shareholders becomes a first priority, whereas when management simply collects a paycheck, then increasing salaries becomes a first priority.
I am still very proud of that concert. In America, the (musicians') connection with the conductor is as with management - it becomes political. You cannot conduct properly in this environment. I hate this enemy situation between management and orchestra members.
Fit no stereotypes. Don't chase the latest management fads. The situation dictates which approach best accomplishes the team's mission.
Security is always going to be a cat and mouse game because there'll be people out there that are hunting for the zero day award, you have people that don't have configuration management, don't have vulnerability management, don't have patch management.
It's a very difficult business, and I'm very interested in the future of it after I'm gone, and I thought that if I can't produce a strong management team here myself, and I can find better management elsewhere, then I should sell it.
All of the sports have a safety net, but boxing is the only sport that has none. So when the fighter is through, he is through. While he was fighting his management was very excited for him, but now that he is done, that management team is moving on.
The management teams in these royalty and streaming companies have the highest-quality research and the most visibility into all of the producers. So if you really want to know what's going on in the resource space, you should talk to the management team of a royalty company.
Management of an industrial company must be giving targets to the engineers constantly; that may be the most important job management has in dealing with its engineers.
Given the central role of effective, firmwide risk management in maintaining strong financial institutions, it is clear that supervisors must redouble their efforts to help organizations improve their risk-management practices...We are also considering the need for additional or revised supervisory guidance regarding various aspects of risk management, including further emphasis on the need for an enterprise-wide perspective when assessing risk.
EMA research evidences strong and growing interest in leveraging log data across multiple infrastructure planning and operations management use cases. But to fully realize the potential complementary value of unstructured log data, it must be aligned and integrated with structured management data, and manual analysis must be replaced with automated approaches. By combining the RapidEngines capabilities with its existing solution, SevOne will be the first to truly integrate log data into an enterprise-class, carrier-grade performance management system.
Many think of management as cutting deals and laying people off and hiring people and buying and selling companies. That's not management, that's deal making. Management is the opportunity to help people become better people. Practiced that way, it's a magnificent profession.
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