A Quote by Patricia Clarkson

The odds are not in your favor the older you get, especially if you're a woman in this business. — © Patricia Clarkson
The odds are not in your favor the older you get, especially if you're a woman in this business.
The odds of me coming into the rocket business, not knowing anything about rockets, not having ever built anything, I mean, I would have to be insane if I thought the odds were in my favor.
If you put on your business hat, you can't maintain competitiveness by staying at a competitive disadvantage. I mean, you just can't. The odds are just not in your favor.
Move only when you have an advantage. It's very basic. You have to understand the odds and have the discipline to bet only when the odds are in your favor.
Anytime you make a bet with the best of it, where the odds are in your favor, you have earned something on that bet, whether you actually win or lose the bet. By the same token when you make a bet with the worst of it, where the odds are not in your favor, you have lost something, whether you actually win or lose the bet.
It's not easy to leave your hometown and your family and your support system and come out to Los Angeles to - to pursue a dream where the odds are not in your favor.
I envision Hollywood as a race, and some people simply drop off before their turn comes around. It's all about stamina - your ability to get back up and keep going even though everything is pointing at the odds not being in your favor.
I think I've always looked older than I am. I hope that's going to work in my favor when I get older.
When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.
Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.
Violence of action, as we call it in the Spec Ops community, will often change the odds in your favor.
The fact that we're all hyphenating our names suggests that we are afraid of being assimilated. I was talking on the BBC recently, and this woman introduced me as being "in favor of assimilation." I said, "I'm not in favor of assimilation." I am no more in favor of assimilation than I am in favor of the Pacific Ocean. Assimilation is not something to oppose or favor - it just happens.
As you get older the odds are against you that you are still going to be on the planet.
By taking the time to learn how to blog properly, you'll be doing your business an incredible favor, as you will be able to drive a lot of business to your website for your blog.
Some days you just want to get dressed and go about your business. But if you're a woman, you can't, because there is no unmarked woman.
The most important thing is that you make sure you follow the music, which is a musician's way of saying follow your heart. The two things are intertwined. You know, when you even mention the phrase "music business," the older you get, the sourer it sounds. It's a terrible business, you know. Music and business have nothing to do with each other; there's no correlation, so it's always a rub. I would encourage people, don't be swayed by the music business. If you're truly, in your heart, a musician, stay one, and let the business find you.
If you write one story, it may be bad; if you write a hundred, you have the odds in your favor.
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