A Quote by Patrick Kane

Whether it's just walking down the street to try to go to a movie, go to dinner, something like that, there are always a few people that recognize you. — © Patrick Kane
Whether it's just walking down the street to try to go to a movie, go to dinner, something like that, there are always a few people that recognize you.
I'm still learning a lot as a songwriter. I try to write down and make a note of ideas that I cross paths with on a day-to-day basis, whether it be a conversation or something I hear on the radio, seeing a movie, or just thoughts in my head as I'm walking down the street.
Paris is a place where, for me, just walking down a street that I've never been down before is like going to a movie or something. Just wandering the city is entertainment.
I'm a director because I directed a movie. And if I have any advice for people, it's, 'Go write something; go direct it. If that's what you have a desire to do, go do it. If the movie stinks, just put it on the shelf and try to do it again.'
I need to go someplace faraway that doesn't have telephones and doesn't have a record player and doesn't have movie theaters and people walking down the street in order to not do anything.
Before 'Deadpool,' if I was walking on the street, some people would recognize for some project, and another person for a different project. But now, every time I'm walking down the street, people recognize me as the actor from 'Deadpool.'
It's the loneliest feeling in the world-to find yourself standing up when everybody else is sitting down. To have everybody look at you and say, 'What's the matter with him?' I know. I know what it feels like. Walking down an empty street, listening to the sound of your own footsteps. Shutters closed, blinds drawn, doors locked against you. And you aren't sure whether you're walking toward something, or if you're just walking away.
There are very diminishingly few United States senators who you would like always want to have dinner with. It used to be in the Senate there were an awful lot of them. There are very few of them today that you would just be dying to go out and have dinner with. John McCain is someone I`d have dinner with seven nights a week.
I've been singing since I was born. It's something I do everywhere I go. In the shower, walking down the street. I don't need any impetus to do it. I just sing.
Film is something that reaches so many people. How many people are going to go into a gallery? And understand what they're seeing? I think about the guy walking down the street, the guy who drove me here - this guy has the opportunity to go the cinema.
If I go on dates, my mom is always with me. She's always there making sure I'm all right. Like if I go to see a movie with a boy, she'll go to dinner next door.
Paris is a place where, for me, just walking down a street that I've never been down before is like going to a movie.
You can't control the paparazzi. But if you go to Coachella you're going to get photographed. Whereas if you're at home, walking down the street you probably won't. It's something I've learnt to navigate my way around but I try to keep my private life private.
Recently, I kind of found that if I just step into my own skin and relax and just walk like I'm just walking down the street, it always looks better than if you try too many cool moves.
If you're walking down the street in L.A., people do sort of look at you like you're a hooker because it's so rare to see someone just walking.
I always think about the simplest things in a relationship that have frustrated me. It always sort of comes down to communication. Even something as simple as probably the worst thing that could happen is, 'Where do you want to go to dinner?' 'I dunno. Where do you want to go to dinner?' 'I dunno.' That might be the worst thing in the world.
One of my struggles is that I'm a glutton. There's always those very simple, long, old-ass things, but they're very real to me, and I'm sitting in them, and they're swirling in my mind all the time. I tell people about it and they think, "Why don't you just go and make some money, go get a big-screen TV, or look at the Internet." Or they say, "Go create some introspective art." I just want to explode. I don't know how everybody else is able to walk around so calm. It's amazing to me when I see people walking so calmly down the street. I envy them, but I also kind of hate them.
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