A Quote by Patrick Ness

Stories don’t always have happy endings. — © Patrick Ness
Stories don’t always have happy endings.
When we're young, we like happy endings. When we're a little older, we think happy endings are unrealistic and so we prefer bad but credible endings. When we're older still, we realize happy endings aren't so bad after all.
There are no happy endings... There are no endings, happy or otherwise. We all have our own stories which are just part of the one Story that binds both this world and Faerie. Sometimes we step into each others stories - perhaps just for a few minutes, perhaps for years - and then we step out of them again. But all the while, the Story just goes on.
My family doesn't do happy endings. We do sad endings or frustrating endings or no endings at all. We are hardwired to expect the next interruption or disappearance or broken promise.
My stories always have these twisted happy endings, and the boy always gets the girl.
And in real life endings aren't always neat, whether they're happy endings, or whether they're sad endings.
I always try to do true endings and that's where I got into trouble always because Hollywood wants to do happy endings.
I find it ironic that happy endings now are called fairytale endings because there's nothing happy about most fairytale endings.
People relate to things that feel real to them. All the good, happy, over-sexed and moneyed endings on TV are not the way most of us feel in our lives. The success of 'E.R.,' I think, is not relying on overly sentimental stories that are solved where people's lives wrap up nicely with happy endings.
There are no happy endings. Endings are the saddest part, So just give me a happy middle And a very happy start.
"Stories don't always have happy endings." This stopped him. Because they didn't, did they? That's one thing the monster had definitely taught him. Stories were wild, wild animals and went off in directions you couldn't expect.
Some stories don't have happy endings. Even love stories. Maybe especially love stories.
People generally like happy endings, which is something I learned from my years in advertising. I like happy endings myself, but only if they're honest. I'm just as happy with a terrible, hopeless ending.
Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet.
My parents believe in the happy endings to the stories of their children.
I admire the ballad form most of all. Stories are irresistible. I've always had a passion for stories, the endings being of particular importance.
Not only are there no happy endings,' she told him, 'there aren't even any endings.
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