A Quote by Paul Auster

The world is so unpredictable. Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. We want to feel we are in control of our own existence. In some ways we are, in some ways we're not. We are ruled by the forces of chance and coincidence.
Things happen to us in unpredictable ways, but the effect that that has on the kind of people who we become actually is not only open to chance - we can influence it in pretty profound ways.
As a writer and as a reader, I really believe in the power of narrative to allow us ways to experience life beyond our own, ways to reflect on things that have happened to us and a chance to engage with the world in ways that transcend time and gender and all sorts of things.
I think in some ways - only in some ways - but in some ways, rock and roll has let me down. It really doesn't leave you a way to grow old gracefully and continue to work.
While all the things you believe and know exist in their own right, they're ways of looking at existence, but existence is infinite - it's beyond all ways of looking.
In some ways, you're always redefining your craft and figuring it out, but in some ways, I almost feel I'm going back to what I was doing 20 years ago.
If we remain wedded to the way education is currently provided we cannot imagine other ways. We need some imagination, some fantasy, some new ways of thinking - some magic in fact.
If our well-being depends upon the interaction between events in our brains and events in the world, and there are better and worse ways to secure it, then some cultures will tend to produce lives that are more worth living than others; some political persuasions will be more enlightened than others; and some world views will be mistaken in ways that cause needless human misery.
Just like on Guitar Hero, there are things that are similar and things that are not similar at all. When I first played DJ Hero, I wasn't very good. The control surface is similar in some ways to a turntable, but in other ways not at all the same.
In a cricket career, your life is in some ways controlled for you. You have no control over schedules, you have no control about where you want to play, you don't have control over that as a cricketer.
In some ways we want definitions that can help protect our own interpretations of the genre.
I'm planning on how I want to tell my own story. I feel like my situation and my experiences are unique in some ways.
Nothing will ever replace good old fashioned police work, but Facebook and Twitter have been like a tool on our belt, In some ways it can help them in their investigations and in some ways it can hinder
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react. There are some things we can't control and some things that do happen to us that we can't take back, but how we deal with it afterwards is our future... I think anybody can do anything they want if they stay positive and determined.
Sure, there are moments that you can escape, and you can sit back and just enjoy it, but one of the most fun things about 'The Witcher' is that it reflects on our real world, in big thematic ways, in political ways, and in cultural ways.
I'm pretty normal in some ways. In some ways I'm completely extraordinary, and in other ways I'm completely weird and eccentric.
I know what we can control, we can control our effort and we can control our approach. We do what we're supposed to do to get some second-chance points off the offensive glass, maybe our pressure can get us some easy opportunities in the open floor and we've got to capitalize.
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