A Quote by Paul Gosar

Our border security is laughable. — © Paul Gosar
Our border security is laughable.
I have been for border security for years. I voted for border security in the United States Senate. And my comprehensive immigration reform plan of course includes border security.
When it comes to immigration, I have actually put more money, under my administration, into border security than any other administration previously. We've got more security resources at the border - more National Guard, more border guards, you name it - than the previous administration. So we've ramped up significantly the issue of border security.
I think Donald Trump laid out a series of priorities that doesn't ends with border security. It begins with border security. And after we secure the border, not only build a wall, but beneath the ground and in the air, we do internal enforcement.
We have national security concerns. There are lots of concerns which must be addressed by actually securing our border. And so, a physical security barrier on the border is something we`ve all - I voted for it, like I said, in 2006 or 2007.
People think of border security in very different ways, but to me, it's very simple: border security is national security.
I think Donald Trump laid out a series of priorities that doesn't end with border security, it begins with border security.
We've undertaken the most substantial border security measures in a generation to keep our nation and our tax dollars safe and are now in the process of beginning to build a promised wall on the southern border.
The work the Mexicans are doing in terms of migration control on Mexico's southern border is crucial to our own border security.
Immigration and border security remain critical issues that I am committed to addressing this year. The good news is that illegal immigration is at an all-time low, making now the time to dedicate the needed technology and resources to finally secure the border for good. As border security improves, I look forward to working in a bipartisan manner to fix our broken immigration system and address the millions of people living in the United States outside of legal status.
Clearly, border security has been the top domestic issue of the year, and rightly so. Securing our borders is an essential aspect of our national security.
We need to believe that we can achieve progress in fixing our broken immigration system, prioritizing smart border security investments, cracking down on those who are trafficking and smuggling, and relieving the ongoing humanitarian crisis at our southern border.
I don't have a problem with enhanced border security, perhaps to include fencing. I think the mistake is believing that border security is as simple as just putting up a wall from sea to shining sea.
Marco [Rubio] has opposed at every point increased security - border security for those who come to our country.
We need to secure our southern border. Clearly, the southern border is now a nexus between immigration and national security. It's a sieve.
This Congress has promised all manner of border security and port security to the tune of billions of dollars... yet we have - to date - funded our promises for port security at only $900 million. That's quite a distance between what we say and what we actually do.
National security begins with border security. Foreign terrorists will not be able to strike America if they cannot get into our country.
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