A Quote by Paul Michael Glaser

So being present becomes more and more the exercise the older you get. — © Paul Michael Glaser
So being present becomes more and more the exercise the older you get.
Being an artist and having to be responsible for the art that you make is really quite challenging, and as you get older it becomes more and more difficult.
Right and wrong becomes more difficult for each of us as we grow older, because the older we get the more we know personally about our own human frailties.
Hopefully, every character that I take on, as I grow older, becomes more interesting. Obviously, as I grow older, I have more to bring to the table and more experiences that I've lived myself, so I'm hoping that I can color my characters, more and more.
The thing about being an actor is that as we get older, there are more and more characters to explore and, in general, they get more complicated, so you get to bring all your crazy life experience to the table.
The older I get, the more I feel those kinds of ghosts - especially the women in my life - moving out of the shadows a bit more and becoming more present in my life.
As you get older, as you become more sensitive, feel more, it becomes harder to make jokes. You censor yourself.
I think I used to sort of segregate things. Work was this and life was this and exercise was this. And I feel as I get older, or I become more relaxed, I feel like wellness is my whole being.
The older you get and the wealthier you get, the more complicated life becomes. That's why I have as few material assets as possible. Every material thing you have is more hassle.
I think what maybe starts out when you're younger as being something about slightly showing off or being given applause because people think that you're good at something, as you get older it becomes less about that and it becomes more about the fascination of why people do the things that they do.
A faithful woman can become a devoted daughter of God - more concerned with being righteous than with being selfish, more anxious to exercise compassion than to exercise dominion, more committed to integrity than to notoriety. And she knows of her own infinite worth.
If your commitment is to being present, then there will come a time when being present becomes your natural state. The present moment becomes your home. You will have short excursions into the world of the mind, but you never go so far into the mind that you get lost there.
I like running and swimming, and exercise four or five times a week, but not for long - about 30 minutes. I just exercise by myself and find that as I get older it becomes easier. In school I remember not enjoying running at all.
I just think that things get easier as you get older and wiser and more experienced. You get more confident about who you are as you get older. I find that really comforting.
As you get older, it's important to have goals. When you're a kid you have them, but other people can set them for you, such as your parents, your school... so, as you get older it's nice to have your own goals, which don't have to do with being more famous, or being in bigger movies, or making more money. Those things kind of corrupt your soul.
Try vegetarianism and you will be surprised: meditation becomes far easier. Love becomes more subtle, loses its grossness — becomes more sensitive but less sensuous, becomes more prayerful and less sexual. And your body also starts taking on a different vibe. You become more graceful, softer, more feminine, less aggressive, more receptive.
I'm very comfortable in my own skin now. I started just being myself more and more. For women, this happens as you get older. I loved my 40s - I thought they were fantastic. And I'm loving my 50s. I'm going to love everything because you're either older or dead!
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