A Quote by Paul Shaffer

When Marty Short and I get together, I sit down at the piano and play the score of 'Godspell.' — © Paul Shaffer
When Marty Short and I get together, I sit down at the piano and play the score of 'Godspell.'
I tend to write on an acoustic guitar or the piano. I have kind of a rule: if I can't sit down and play this and get the song over, I don't take it to the band, because most any good song, you can sit down and deliver it with a piano or a guitar.
I can sit down at the piano and make you think I know how to play the piano because I know, like, the beginnings of four songs.
Have I a secret about playing the piano? It's a very simple one. I sit down on the piano stool and make myself comfortable - and I always make sure that the lid over the keyboard is open before I start to play.
I'll just sit at the piano a lot an play like through different chord exercises and kind of just throwing my hands down on the piano from one chord to the next to see what happens.
I play the piano a lot at home, I write songs on the piano and guitar. I would like to actually play piano on stage... I don't think I'll get the chance for a while.
I play the piano a lot at home. I write songs on the piano and guitar. I would like to actually play piano on stage. I don't think I'll get the chance for a while.
When you sit down and see someone play at a piano, you don't think, 'Wow - what a fantastic machine.'
You wouldn't expect a cattle dealer to sit down at a grand piano and play it beautifully. That's my father.
Titanic Thompson and Amarillo Slim would have run from a game with Marty Stanovich. Marty could really play, and he didn't cheat.
I've always wanted to walk into a hotel, sit at a piano and play 'Piano Man.'
Once, somebody asked Robert Schumann to explain the meaning of a certain piece of music he had just played on the piano. What Robert Schumann did was sit back down at the piano and play the piece of music again.
I still will sit down at the piano and play when I am wrestling with something emotionally or just want to move into the musical world.
I sit around for ages waiting for inspiration. Then when I get an idea, I want to go with it and get something as quickly as possible. It's like catching a fly in a bottle. I'll play with drums for a bit, then the piano for a bit, play the guitar.
I mean the reason the sit-down strikes struck such fear in the hearts of management was that they knew that a sit-down strike was just one step short of taking over the factory.
Most of the time I sit down with my guitar or at the piano, and I play for awhile until I get a new riff or groove that I like a lot. Then I'll concentrate on building around that line of thought by adding words and textures. At first I'm only trying to please myself, and hopefully what I like will appeal to others.
From the time I could play the piano, I remember trying to write tunes. They were in my head, and I would just sit down and start noodling. Next thing I knew, I had written a melody.
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