A Quote by Paulo Coelho

Your decision to walk creates the path ahead — © Paulo Coelho
Your decision to walk creates the path ahead
A path is something you create as you walk it. The ground you've trodden hardens, and that's what forms your path. You're the only one who can create your own path. Walk on your own. If you haven't given up yet, that is.
They had their faces twisted toward their haunches and found it necessary to walk backward, because they could not see ahead of them. ...And since he wanted so to see ahead, he looks behind and walks a backward path.
Life is the path you beat while you walk it It's the walking that beats the path It is not the path that makes the walk
If you have made the good profession, if you claimed to have passed through the gate, if you have received baptism in a public declaration of your faith, and you begin to walk-it doesn't matter how long it appears you're walking in that path-if you step off that path and there's no discipline and you continue on that path, you can have no assurance whatsoever of your salvation. And it is not that you lost your salvation, it's that you're showing now that you never had it. If we would only preach these truths
Lit majors are not known for watching where they're going; most of us walk with our eyes in a book instead of on the path ahead.
The time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That's the time to listen to every fear you can imagine! When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your decision, turn off all your fears and go ahead!
Destiny doesn't control your life, but it does place you on a path. It's how you walk down that path that determines stories I tell.
But we both came to the decision that the powerful thing is to go into your fear, walk in there with it, don't walk away from it, and to try to be true to it.
No one behind, no one ahead. The path the ancients cleared has closed. And the other path, everyone's path, easy and wide, goes nowhere. I am alone and find my way.
Show me the path I must walk and do not let me stumble in the dark places that lie ahead.
As you walk, you simply walk. Don't go ahead, don't jump here and there. Mind always go ahead or lag behind. Remain with the moment.
Keep moving ahead because action creates momentum, which in turn creates unanticipated opportunities.
But grief is a walk alone. Others can be there, and listen. But you will walk alone down your own path, at your own pace, with your sheared-off pain, your raw wounds, you denial, anger, and bitter loss. You'll come to your own peace, hopefully, but it will be on your own, in your own time.
On the path to truth, you can't see many people; truth's way is calm and quiet. Look around you, friend! Are there too many people on the path you walk? If there are, question your path! Get away from the crowds!
Not watching the path where his legs took him, he walked on because he knew he had to walk ahead, leaving his past behind.
When your child comes to you at a young age and declares he or she is passionate about this or that, the natural tendency for many parents, out of love, is to simply support that decision. That's the path of least resistance, but it's not necessarily the best path, in my opinion.
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