A Quote by Paulo Coelho

And because of our selfishness, we will be condemned to the worst torture humankind ever invented for itself: loneliness. — © Paulo Coelho
And because of our selfishness, we will be condemned to the worst torture humankind ever invented for itself: loneliness.
We can also allow our Soulmate to pass us by,without accepting him or her,or even noticing. Then we will need another incarnation in order to find that Soulmate. And because of our selfishness, we will be condemned to the worst torture humankind ever invented for itself: loneliness.
Our selfishness will condemn us to the worst suffering that we ourselves have invented - loneliness.
The Loneliness One dare not sound -- And would as soon surmise AS in its Grave go plumbing To ascertain the size -- The Loneliness whose worst alarm Is lest itself should see -- And perish from before itself For just a scrutiny -- The Horror not to be surveyed -- But skirted in the Dark -- With Consciousness suspended -- And Being under Lock -- I fear me this -- is Loneliness -- The Maker of the soul Its Caverns and its Corridors Illuminate -- or seal
People cannot win against their loneliness because loneliness is this world’s worst kind of pain.
Satan had two conditions [to his plan]: the first was the denial of agency, and the second, that he would have the honor. In other words, something had to be in it for him. And thus he became the father of lies and selfishness. Taking up one's cross and following the Savior means overcoming selfishness; it is a commitment to serve others. Selfishness is one of the baser human traits, which must be subdued and overcome. We torture our souls when we focus on getting rather than giving.
Normal people bring children into the world; we novelists bring books. We are condemned to put our whole lives into them, even though they hardly ever thank us for it. We are condemned to die in their pages and sometimes even to let our books be the ones who, in the end, will take our lives.
Through prayer we can carry in our heart all human pain and sorrow, all conflicts and agonies, all torture and war, all hunger, loneliness and misery, not because of some great psychological or emotional capacity, but because God's heart has become one with ours.
In the name of Hypocrites, doctors have invented the most exquisite form of torture ever known to man: survival.
In the name of Hippocrates, doctors have invented the most exquisite form of torture ever known to man: survival.
It was the consideration of the multitude of souls which fall into the depths of Hell, because it is of faith that all those who die in mortal sin are condemned forever and ever. According to statistics, approximately 80,000 persons die every day. How many of these will die in mortal sin, and how many will be condemned, for, as their lives have been, so also will their end be.
On immigration, Europe is in danger of displaying the worst of itself: selfishness, haphazard decision-making and rows between member states.
...We leave our homeland, our property and our friends. We give up the familiar ground that supports our ego, admit the helplessness of ego to control its world and secure itself. We give up our clingings to superiority and self-preservation...It means giving up searching for a home, becoming a refugee, a lonely person who must depend on himself...Fundamentally, no one can help us. If we seek to relieve our loneliness, we will be distracted from the path. Instead, we must make a relationship with loneliness until it becomes aloneness.
It was our worst-ever day, the worst result in my history, ever. Even as a player I don't think I ever lost 6-1.
Why fight the 'natural' (oh, weaselly word!) order of things? Why? Because of this--one fine day, a purely predatory world shall consume itself. In an individual, selfishness uglifies the soul; for the human species, selfishness is extinction.
Good taste is the worst vice ever invented.
The hardest work you and I will ever do is to put off our selfishness. It is heavy lifting!
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