A Quote by Paulo Coelho

The extraordinary lies in the path of ordinary people. — © Paulo Coelho
The extraordinary lies in the path of ordinary people.
All people seem to be divided into'ordinary'and 'extraordinary'. The ordinary people must lead a life of strict obedience and have no right to transgress the law because?theyare ordinary.Whereas the extraordinary people have the right to commit any crime they like and transgress the law in any way just because they happen to be extraordinary.
Readily people do not accept any ordinary to behave like an extraordinary unless and until some extraordinary but preferably wealthy approves him to be not ordinary.
The extraordinarily facile and in literary terms long lived works tend to be about ordinary people. Even Sappho writes about the utterly insignificant . What art can do is make the extraordinary more ordinary and ordinary more extraordinary.
Drop the idea of being Extraordinary! It's keeping you mediocre. To be Ordinary is the most extraordinary thing in the world. The Ordinary person has light in his eyes; he has become extraordinary but he has no idea of it.
Literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary people, and saying with ordinary words something extraordinary.
The only difference between an extraordinary life and an ordinary one is the extraordinary pleasures you find in ordinary things.
In every single day, in every walk of life, ordinary people do extraordinary things. Ordinary People accomplish Extraordinary things.
Great businesses are not built by extraordinary people but by ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
Democracy elevates by turning ordinary people into extraordinary ordinary people called celebrities.
There are no extraordinary people only ordinary people who do extraordinary things with what they've been given
Ordinary' is a word I loathe. It has a patronizing air. I have come across ordinary people who have done extraordinary things.
Extraordinary potential exists in all of us. With the right environment, resources, skills and knowledge, 'ordinary' people can produce extraordinary results.
The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.
We tried to present the ordinary in an extraordinary manner. But that's the paradox because the only thing extraordinary about it was that it was so ordinary. Nobody had ever done it before, deliberately. Now it's called documentary, which I suppose is all right ... We just took pictures that cried out to be taken.
Members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir are not superhuman. They are ordinary people with ordinary frailties. But therein lies the power of their example.
The absolute truth cannot be realized within the domain of the ordinary mind, and the path beyond the ordinary mind is the path of the heart.
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