A Quote by Paulo Freire

Liberating education consists in acts of cognition, not transferrals of information — © Paulo Freire
Liberating education consists in acts of cognition, not transferrals of information
Liberating education consists in acts of cognition, not transferrals of information.
Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.
Intuitive cognition of a thing is cognition that enables us to know whether the thing exists or does not exist, in such a way that, if the thing exists, then the intellect immediately judges that it exists and evidently knows that it exists, unless the judgment happens to be impeded through the imperfection of this cognition.
Education is a beautiful, liberating thing, but I think that tying in education and status, and the need to do well at every cost, is toxic.
Cognition requires going beyond the information given, to make bets and therefore to risk errors.
I worry that the level of interrupt, the sort of overwhelming rapidity of information — and especially of stressful information — is in fact affecting cognition. It is in fact affecting deeper thinking. I still believe that sitting down and reading a book is the best way to really learn something.? And I worry that we’re losing that.
But though cognition is not an element of mental action, nor even in any real sense of the word an aspect of it, the distinction of cognition and conation has if properly defined a definite value.
The best education consists in immunizing people against systematic attempts at education.
The psychoanalytic liberation of memory explodes the rationality of the repressed individual. As cognition gives way to re-cognition, the forbidden images and impulses of childhood begin to tell the truth that reason denies.
If, in a democracy, the cognition of the majority is not much better than the cognition of the sheep, democracy will surely fail.
We are not talking about a new cognition in relation to abstract art, rather a new area of cognition.
Knowledge is power. Information is liberating.
It can be tempting to blame others for our loss of direction. We get lots of information about life but little education in life from parents, teachers, and other authority figures who should know better from their experience. Information is about facts. Education is about wisdom and the knowledge of how to love and survive.
To suppose that safety-first consists in having a small gamble in a large number of different companies where I have no information to reach a good judgment, as compared with a substantial stake in a company where one's information is adequate, strikes me as a travesty of investment policy.
It is impossible for a person who fears Allah to commit terrorist acts because of his faith. Such acts are committed by people who were educated abroad, who received a Darwinist education and who internalized Darwinism, but who later called themselves Muslims.
Education can become a self-fulfilling activity, liberating in and of itself.
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