A Quote by Pearl Bailey

The fact is that it takes more than ingredients and technique to cook a good meal. A good cook puts something of himself into the preparation - he cooks with enjoyment, anticipation, spontaneity, and he is willing to experiment.
I'll tell you something about tough things. They just about kill you, but if you decide to keep working at them, you'll find the way through. On the Food Network they have these shows where cooks have to put a meal together with all these weird ingredients. That's a lot like my life-dealing with things you wouldn't think ever go together. But a good cook can make the best meal out of the craziest combinations.
please don't cook me, kind sirs! I am a good cook myself, and cook better than I cook, if you see what I mean.
My mom's always been a good cook, so I took a lot of stuff from her, but most of the stuff I took from Emeril or Bobby Flay right off the TV and make it. I just loved to cook, so it just became a thing. It's a release. Even if I'm alone, I'll cook a full meal, maybe even a two-course meal, just because I love to cook. It's my secret love!
Doing a good play on the stage is like eating a good meal at home - assuming your wife is a great cook or that she's hired a great cook.
You don't have to be a chef or even a particularly good cook to experience proper kitchen alchemy: the moment when ingredients combine to form something more delectable than the sum of their parts. Fancy ingredients or recipes not required; simple, made-up things are usually even better.
Whenever I am stressed, I cook a good meal for my wife. Many people don't know this, but I'm actually a great cook.
You don't have to be a chef or even a particularly good cook to experience proper kitchen alchemy: the moment when ingredients combine to form something more delectable than the sum of their parts.
The cook was a good cook, as cooks go; and as cooks go, she went.
The ambition of every good cook must be to make something very good with the fewest possible ingredients.
My favorite thing is when I go back and my mother cooks for me. Because it just throws me back the same flavor. And I try to modify things: I say, "Why don't you do this and that?" My mother is older, but she cooks a lot, and she doesn't want to change anything. She's a very good cook, and my grandmother was an amazing cook.
I can cook a little bit. I can cook a few Spanish dishes. But, in movies, it looks like I cook much better than I cook.
I don't cook gumbo, but I just know it's a lot of good ingredients in it. And, with a movie, you got to have all those ingredients.
By continuing to redefine the cost structure in food, we think Munchery will eventually make getting a high quality chef-prepared meal delivered to your door less expensive than buying the ingredients to cook a similar meal yourself.
I don't cook, I can't cook, and it is really abominable to see me in the kitchen. I order in takeaway food or get my friends to cook because a lot of them are very good.
I'm a good cook, and I look at something like 'Iron Chef' and think, 'It's a good thing I already know how to cook' - because I would never think I could do it if I watched these shows.
I'm a big foodie but not much of a cook. I can cook desi stuff like dal, rice and chicken. I learnt to cook a little bit when I was in college and I used to cook for my friends. I'm not picky about food and eat all types of food, the type of cuisine doesn't matter as long as the food tastes good.
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