A Quote by Pema Chodron

When we scratch the wound and give into our addictions we do not allow the wound to heal. — © Pema Chodron
When we scratch the wound and give into our addictions we do not allow the wound to heal.
A wound that goes unacknowledged and unwept is a wound that cannot heal.
A shaman is someone who has a wound that will not heal. He sits by the side of the road with his open wound exposed.
The less the head, the more the wound will heal. No head there is no wound. Live a headless life. Move as a total being, and accept things.
The wound that's made by fire will heal, But the wound that's made by tongue will never heal.
You have to give a wound time to heal and think of other people's feelings.
A wound that’d make an ordinary man unconscious, I won’t lose to it. A wound that would kill an ordinary person, I won’t lose to it! To face one who is extraordinary, Hawk Eyes - I can’t allow myself to be ordinary!
A wound in the soul, coming from the rending of the spiritual body, strange as it may seem, gradually closes like a physical wound. And once a deep wound heals over and the edges seem to have knit, a wound in the soul, like a physical wound, can be healed only by the force of life pushing up from inside. This was the way Natasha's wound healed. She thought her life was over. But suddenly her love for her mother showed her that the essence of life - love - was still alive in her. Love awoke, and life awoke.
The sorrow for the dead is the only sorrow from which we refuse to be divorced. Every other wound we seek to heal - every other affliction to forget: but this wound we consider it a duty to keep open - this affliction we cherish and brood over in solitude.
We're all writing out of a wound, and that's where our song comes from. The wound is singing. We're singing back to those who've been wounded.
A wound needs air in order to heal. We must talk about and expose those things which have hurt or harmed us in some way. Our wounds need nurturing care in order to heal. If we are to nurture and heal, we must admit that the wounds exist. We must carefully do what is necessary to help ourselves feel better.
Who better to so softly bind the wound of one, than she who has suffered the wound herself.
If I have left a wound inside you, it is not just your wound but mine as well.
That's why I'm not to be trusted. Because a wound to the heart is also a wound to the mind
Who then can so softly bind up the wound of another as he who has felt the same wound himself.
It is difficult to heal the wound of reproach.
Words can wound, and wounds can heal.
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