A Quote by Penelope Leach

Being "brave" means doing or facing something frightening. ... Being "fearless" means being without fear. — © Penelope Leach
Being "brave" means doing or facing something frightening. ... Being "fearless" means being without fear.
It is not a matter of being fearless. The fear is sometimes constant, but it's about moving forward regardless of the fear. Courage means feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
Bravery does not mean being fearless. It means to be full of fear but still not being dominated by it.
To me, being masculine means being a great guy, a kind and loving husband, and a hard worker, and being honest, taking care of your family, being a good father, and being brave.
Being fearless doesn't mean having an absence of fear. It means you press on in spite of fear.
Being brave doesn’t mean we have no fear - it means we refuse to be overcome by it.
Being a Negro in America means trying to smile when you want to cry. It means trying to hold on to physical life amid psychological death. It means the pain of watching your children grow up with clouds of inferiority in their mental skies. It means having their legs off, and then being condemned for being a cripple.
Courage is the facing of a challenge with a healthy fear, not being fearless.
Being anthropologically respectful of all faiths means being committed to none, and being left to drift without an anchor for one's most deeply held beliefs. To have such an anchor means being committed to a specific community. The only way Obama can overcome his sense of detachment and resolve his mother's dilemma is through a commitment to Christianity.
Being brave means to know something is scary, difficult, and dangerous, and doing it anyway, because the possibility of winning the fight is worth the chance of losing it.
We have perpetrated a myth in our society that being brave means not being afraid, but that's wrong.
Being vital means knowing the rules and being brave enough to break them.
The way of being with another person which is termed empathic...means temporarily living in their life, moving abut in it delicately without making judgment... to be with another in this way means that for the time being you lay aside the views and values you hold for yourself in order to enter the other's world without prejudice...a complex, demanding, strong yet subtle and gentle way of being.
When we love, we are courageous; and courage has nothing to do with being fearless, it's about being willing to experience fear, even dread, to do what we must, without guarantee of outcome.
Being an outsider means not being heard, not having a voice. It means being treated as a second-class citizen, being diminished in the eyes of others. We have all felt this way at one time or another, but some feel it more consistently. Unfortunately, our schools often do not embrace the talents of many of their occupants.
When a mother comes home with her new baby, she will find her abstractions are all concrete now. 'Freedom' now means being able to take a shower. 'Mobility' means being able to reach the glass of water on the dresser while not breaking the baby's suction on the breast. 'Flexibility' means being able to push the Record function on the VCR without dropping the baby.
Being in command means making tough decisions. Not being in command means shutting up and doing what you're told. --Artemis Fowl
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