A Quote by Pernell Roberts

I've never been career-oriented. Did I ever want to be a star? What's a star? Is that something in the heavens? That's the only definition that comes to my mind. And the most important goals in my life have been to move gently, to be at ease with the mystery of what it's all about.
It's always been my way to move about a little more horizontally. My career has never been like a shooting star.
I appreciate the idea that anybody would think of me as a star. But I'm really not career oriented in the sense that I want to be a star. It's not in me. It's not what I do. In fact, I'm amazed that I've even gotten this far.
Ever since 1980, sci-fi has generally been more Bladerunner than Star Wars. People talk about Star Wars being the most influential movie of all time and creating the blockbuster along with Jaws and that sort of thing, but really there's not been a space opera that anyone can go and see.
In my life, I've been a movie star, a rock star, and a sports star, all wrapped up into one-and worked harder at it than anybody else.
I don't think being a star has ever been part of the plan. But I always want to do really good work, even when I made career moves with projects that made more sense in sort of a career way than in an artistic way... like I did with 'The Darkest Hour.'
The final mystery is oneself. When one has weighed the sun in the balance, and measured the steps of the moon, and mapped out the seven heavens star by star, there still remains oneself. Who can calculate the orbit of his own soul?
Goals are ever-changing. I didn't set out to be in a 'Star Wars' film but now I've been in one.
I'm immensely fortunate to have been involved in the 'Star Trek' universe. It has been a lot of fun, and I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity to have been part of something so important to so many people.
My life has been about choosing different things from most people think that I should have chosen. It always has been about my hapiness and peace of mind therfore I have never stratagised or planned my career.
[Otto Struve] made the remark once that he never looked at the spectrum of a star, any star, where he didn't find something important to work on.
You know, most people, they want to go to Hollywood. They want to be a star. They want to be a rock star. That thought never entered any of our minds, the Van Halen family.
I only want to catch you,” Michael explained. “I won’t hurt you.” “No! No!” the star crackled desperately. “That’s wrong! I’m supposed to die!” “But I could save you if you’d let me catch you,” Michael told it gently. “No!” cried the star. “I’d rather die!
When I go to a sci-fi convention, oh God, it's the closest thing to being a rock star I will ever know in this life. I want to be a rock star, don't you? It's a good thing to be, a rock star.
I was a star in England, but Ive never been a star in America. Now I am.
I was a star in England, but I've never been a star in America. Now I am.
East Hampton happens to have been the first place in the world where I was a star, a real star with a star pasted above my name on the dressing-room door.
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