A Quote by Perry Florio

I want guys who want to be here. I want guys who are energetic and passionate. I didn't see any passion from Todd. You could tell form his body language that he didn't want to be here.
I want to be great, I want to fight the best guys, I want to test myself, I want see what my limits are. I don't think a lot of guys in this sport really have that mentality.
But who wants to hang aroundfrat guys ? I want to be with guys who have more on their minds than where the next keg party is. I want to be with guys who care about making this world a better place-the way Andrew does. I want to be with guys who know that what's important isn't the size of a girl's waistband but the size of her heart-like Andrew. I want to be with guys who are able to see past a girl's outward appearance, and into her soul-like Andrew.
I want to see myself in a situation where guys want to grow, guys want to get better.
I can't just tell the guys I want the ball, I have to do it with my body language.
You want to see energy, and you want to see guys on the same page. You want guys to work together and have that energy come out onto the field. That's a good place to start.
I didn't want my records to sound like anybody else, and when I've got my guys in the studio, I have a language with those guys because we work together every day. A lot of times, you bring in outside guys, studio players, whatever, and they're great musicians. It's just that they don't necessarily play the way I want it to be played.
I don't have a list, really. I just want to fight guys that are highly respected by the fans, and I want to fight guys who make me nervous. With high risk comes great reward. I want to be a champion that can honestly look people in the eye and say, "I've fought the best guys in the world."
People want to see John Cena - they want to see all these guys - but I want people to buy tickets because they want to see the girls and they're looking forward to the Divas matches.
I want to be better than five guys. I was that way when I used to box, I was that way in any sport. I want to compete with five other guys. If I beat five other guys, I'd like to see if I can beat six.
I'm trying to avoid any more asshole roles, at least for a little bit. The main criteria for me when choosing a project is a good director. I just want to work with these guys that I admire because I do want to direct my own films one day, and I want to pick their brains to see what their process is like, and see what I can take from that.
I think for guys - you're going to have some people that are willing to be on the front line. You think of guys like Malcolm Jenkins, Demario Davis - guys that are willing to speak up and say, 'Hey, there's a problem, and I want to help change, and I want to be a vessel to keep this thing moving and see change.'
I don't need to tell any one of you guys that I can do what I can do. I'll just show it to you guys, and if you want a little sneak peak, come watch me work out. That's how I do my thing.
We have contradictory expectations of police: We want to be perfectly safe and perfectly free. We want total security and total privacy. We want the bad guys stopped and the good guys unmolested. That's great for the consumer; try providing it.
I want to be scared. I want to keep taking insane risks. I want to be scared because you're going to grow through that whether you want to or not. I don't want to play the same guy. I want to keep throwing curveballs to you guys and keep telling stories.
Some guys go to different teams and as they get older, they just want to ride the coattail of the younger guys. I don't want to do that.
I want to hire guys that fit that mold; I want guys where it's about the Philadelphia Eagles first, that check their egos at the door.
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