A Quote by Pete Wentz

Look: I download music illegally, if I really want it. But I always then buy the record - I support art. — © Pete Wentz
Look: I download music illegally, if I really want it. But I always then buy the record - I support art.
I just people to get big bang for their buck. I just feel like I am really lucky that I still get the support that I do from my fans when it is so easy to download music for free. When fans go out and support and buy my music that really means a lot to me so I want to make sure that I give the very best I can when selling a product.
I used to download a lot of music, and I understand it in this economy, but personally I buy my music. It feels good to be able to support a band you like. Plus, it'd be really hypocritical if I were still doing that, since I really hope people are buying and experiencing my music.
Before I had a steady job, I was broke, and I didn't have any money to buy anything, so I would illegally download stuff.
Don't try to buy art as an investment. Buy something you really love because you're going to have to look at it again tomorrow. And an investment can go up or down. Buy something you really adore, you really like, and you want to live with. And if you decide some years later you don't want to live with it anymore, sell it. Get out.
People don't buy CDs so much anymore because it's easy to download everything. So, while the record industry is declining, the music is heard a lot more than before.
I have no problem with people illegally downloading stuff. I'm not going to drive hard into 'You should buy my stuff,' because really, it's inevitable. If you like a song, you're going to download it for free. I have no problem with that.
It doesn't matter if people take the music for free, because you can't illegally download a ticket to a concert.
I mean even I don't know how to buy music online. I go on a music- streaming site or an online music store, there are so many steps you have to go through, before you get to download the song. Then, if I have made my account, then I forget my password daily.
Obviously, as the music business has suffered tremendously, with being able to illegally download everything, it's also become amazingly easy to find new bands, because everyone can put their stuff online. Even if you can't find a record label, you can find these awesome bands, all over the world.
If you have good songs and a real desire to make music, the next thing to do, instead of approach record companies, is to get yourself a really good manager because then it allows you to focus on your profession of being a musician. Then they can focus on the darker art of the record label and the music industry.
People love to hear music on their personal devices, but the issue really becomes, if you're able to download music, you should know this download and the quality of it is going to be of the highest, and that it has a value to it and on it.
I don't think people really do listen. We plug into music, and we have short attention spans. We tend to download individual tracks from iTunes rather than a whole album. We buy music DVDs and watch them once, and then they disappear into a drawer, or we loan them to a friend, and we never watch it again.
I download music, I don't buy CDs any more, but I still buy DVDs.
I used to download music illegally. Everyone has. No one is innocent. Everyone has done that.
The only thing I collect is art. I collect it because I like looking at it. A lot of it is really personal stuff that my friends have made, paintings that my husband's mother made, and things that I bought. I buy abstract art on eBay, and I buy some outsider art on eBay, or what is called folk art, I buy a lot of. I have a lot of professional art work as well as more stuff my friends' kids make. To have a wall of art to look at, I feel really surrounded by love, because so much of the work is related to my friendships.
I always buy something to make myself motivated. It's good to feel that you can buy something and motivate yourself. That's what I do, just buy stuff. I like to buy something new and then record.
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