A Quote by Peter Dinklage

'Game of Thrones' fans are the nicest people ever, but a thousand nice people coming at me gives me claustrophobia. — © Peter Dinklage
'Game of Thrones' fans are the nicest people ever, but a thousand nice people coming at me gives me claustrophobia.
There is a huge fan base, they're very knowledgeable and very loyal. I was astonished - before I started working on the series I didn't know anything about Game of Thrones. I hadn't heard of the books. When it started going out, people were coming up to me in the street saying [fake cockney accent] "oh, Game of Thrones, f------ wonderful.
When 'Game Of Thrones' came out, lots of interviews were coming in, and people asking me to do certain things which would push me out there. Like this whole Instagram and Twitter thing - getting more followers doesn't bother me at all.
Going down on a woman gives me a stiff neck, going down on a man gives me lockjaw and conventional sex gives me claustrophobia.
I can have a thousand people say the nicest things, but I'll always notice the one person who doesn't get me.
People build up a picture of Johnny Depp as being some sort of weird pirate character. In reality he's incredibly nice... one of the nicest people I've ever met.
The fans of 'Game of Thrones' are dedicated. It's really nice to talk to them, why they love the show and what it means to them. It's a real pleasure.
If you squint at 'Deadwood,' you can see 'Game of Thrones' coming. That's the show that first got me thinking 'Carnival Row' could be a series.
I was really, really stagnating and getting bored in the steady work of television and didn't really know what movies I would be making that Hollywood would be making, and then I went on to 'Game of Thrones,' and it was just like, everything I've been waiting to do was handed to me by really nice people.
It's very important that people know that I really enjoy everything that has happened to me. And I tell my kids... you're not going to be the tallest, fastest, prettiest, the best track runner, but you can be the nicest human being that someone has ever met in their life. And I just want to leave that legacy that being nice is a true treasure.
The people of Madrid are very affectionate with me and the fans are usually nice to me at the stadium.
I learned the game on the radio. Russ Hodges and Lon Simmons were the Giants broadcasters when I was growing up in the Bay area, and they taught me about the game. They taught me about the subtleties of the game, but they also gave me the game and let me enjoy it. That's the main thing, whether it's TV or radio. You have to give the fans the game, and if it's a Giants broadcast, the vast majority are Giants fans. In terms of story lines, most would be about the Giants.
It's really sweet when people tweet at me and say I'm their spirit animal or 'I wish she was my best friend,' which is the nicest compliment. For me, it's like, doing television is so personal because you're in people's homes, so the fact that people feel that way means so much to me.
For years, I was just Joe Bloggs. There was no excitement until 'Game of Thrones,' and then people started recognizing me.
Its very important that people know that I really enjoy everything that has happened to me. And I tell my kids... youre not going to be the tallest, fastest, prettiest, the best track runner, but you can be the nicest human being that someone has ever met in their life. And I just want to leave that legacy that being nice is a true treasure.
If, like me, you've never watched 'Game of Thrones', the podcast 'Binge Mode: 'Game of Thrones'' ought to be unlistenable. It isn't, thanks to the energy of the two expert presenters Mallory Rubin and Jason Concepcion, who have the wit to laugh at their own deep-dive devotion and are helped out by some smart editing.
It's been the video game ever since I got out of coaching. Even when I was an announcer, fewer and fewer people remembered me as 'Coach,' and as the years went on, people just started knowing me from the game.
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