A Quote by Peter Jacobson

I love working with Liev [Schreiber]. I've known him for a long time. I just think he is a master. Few actors are so self-possessed and so focused and so confident.
My career is weird because it's not like I'm a Liev Schreiber or a Philip Seymour Hoffman, incredibly well-respected theater actors who dabble in TV or film.
I actually think I need 'Homeland' rehab. And that Ray Donovan. I think I've watched every episode more than once. Liev Schreiber, Jeffrey Wright and Jon Voight have made me fall in love with acting again.
'Ray Donovan' was all fiction and pure fun, to be working with such greats as Liev Schreiber and Jon Voight. My character was recurring, but my storyline was intricate to the whole thing. With the character that I played, I got to go through all aspects of my instrument. I got to bring it to tears and to laughter.
I think that actors are terrible communicators as people by and large. I think our tendency is to kind of be self-centered and tune people out and just kind of get really me-focused, so I think communication for actors is a big challenge actually.
I love working on 'Glee,' and I hope that there are more and more parts for me and other actors with Down syndrome in television and in movies so I can keep working for a long, long time.
Any real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one an identity, the end of safety. And at such a moment, unable to see and not daring to imagine what the future will now bring forth, one clings to what one knew, or dreamed that one possessed. Yet, it is only when a man is able, without bitterness or self-pity, to surrender a dream he has long cherished or a privilege he has long possessed that he is set free - he has set himself free - for higher dreams, for greater privileges.
The most beautiful women I've ever observed are those that have exchanged a self-focused life for a Christ-focused one. They are confident, but not in themselves. Instead of self-confidence, they radiate with Christ-confidence.
In general, for me, a big thing in my life has been just sort of learning what true self-esteem is and what true positive self-image is. And being a dancer, and growing up in that world, you're so focused on yourself, and you're so focused on achieving goals, on finding perfection, and working on your craft.
It doesn't matter what people think about you, so long as they get the play through your performance. Only a few not very good actors go in for self-advertisement.
I think that's one thing that's kept me working in this industry for so long: my interest in self-representation. It's a big part of my role as a dietitian, too - helping people feel happy, healthy, and confident exactly as they are.
I learned early on to abandon all those preconceived notions you have about other actors and it's served me really well. I usually just try to empty my mind of that. I love meeting actors and I love working with actors.
I've known Mesut for a long time now. I love to play with him, and I think he loves to play with me. We complement each other quite well.
I think Donald Trump is gonna do great. Because I've worked with him and known him a long time. He's a guy who is not programmed to fail.
When it's just a few scenes and a couple of actors behaving in a room, I feel very confident with that.
I love working with other actors and other people - you know, stand-up - it's lonely; it's just you out there and the audience. But it's fun working with other actors. I love doing that, too.
I actually love Twitter and Instagram. I do think it's so strange to think that 20 years ago, people would never have known personal stuff about musicians and actors, but I like it. As long as I don't obsessively overshare, it's OK. And when I do overshare, it's just, like, me saying, 'I've got $7 in my bank account!'
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