A Quote by Peter Riegert

When you get older, unless you're a huge star, the parts become less and the competition becomes greater. Because the guys left standing are the best. — © Peter Riegert
When you get older, unless you're a huge star, the parts become less and the competition becomes greater. Because the guys left standing are the best.
You can become a star overnight, guys. You can be on the street walking one day, and you're on your way to the corner diner, and you had to hitch a ride to get there. And the next day, you can be a huge star, money coming at you from right and left. And you've got to know how to handle that situation.
We recognize that there have been acts in the past that are Asian or Korean who tried to go, 'Hey, I'm a huge star in Korea, I'm a huge star in Asia so you guys need to respect me for being a huge star there.' But I don't know. As much as we may be big, we have to be very humble and start from the ground up in the States.
As I get older, all sorts of things become less funny. Once one has children, any cruelty involving children becomes far less amusing than when one was at the mercy of one's friends' and relatives' children.
It's cool because, as you get older, you get offered older parts. You're older, so you can't play 10 anymore. That was always very exciting for me.
As you get older and wiser you realize that when people are given anything without having to earn it (unless they are physically or mentally utterly incapable of earning anything), they become ungrateful and lazy. They also become less happy.
But, having said that, believe me, as you get older, the parts dry up. They get less and less.
I think that the older you get, the more you become your true, essential self. You find the things that make you happy. You whittle away the parts of yourself that mean less to you.
The further on we go, the more meaning there is, but the less articulable. You live your life and the older you get- the more specifically you harvest- the more precious becomes every ounce and spasm. Your life and times don’t drain of meaning because they become more contradictory, ornamented by paradox, inexplicable. The less explicable, the more meaning. The less like a mathematics equation (a sum game); the more like music (significant secret).
As we get sucked more and more into the technosphere, we become less and less capable of understanding it because it becomes a technological milieu that we're in.
As you become older, you become less judgmental and take offense less. But marriage is hard work; the illusion that you get married and live happily ever after is absolute rubbish.
As you grow older, you become - everybody becomes - less inflexible and a little more accommodating.
The less you eat, drink and read books; the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save-the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor dust will devour-your capital. The less you are, the more you have; the less you express your own life, the greater is your alienated life-the greater is the store of your estranged being.
There's less wear and tear. It allows the heart to pump with greater efficiency so there's less strain. When we really can feel a positive feeling, that's when the heart's communication becomes the best.
For me, music is about expressing the inexpressible, and as I get older, man, what I feel the need to express becomes less and less poignant to others.
One of the best parts of growing older? You can flirt all you like since you've become harmless.
It's an immensely competitive business, and I can tell you the older you get, the parts are fewer, and the people who are proven performers are greater.
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