A Quote by Peter Steele

I feel that I've grown up a little bit and I'm actually ready to settle down. — © Peter Steele
I feel that I've grown up a little bit and I'm actually ready to settle down.
Men don't settle down because of the right woman. They settle down because they are finally ready for it. Whatever woman they're dating when they get ready is the one they settle down with, not necessarily the best one or the prettiest, just the one who happened to be on hand when the time got to be right. Unromantic, but still true.
It's so easy as a child to identify with 'Winnie-the-Pooh.' The humour doesn't talk down at you. It's a very grown up humour - a little bit ironic, a bit self deprecating.
She wasn't ready to settle down, she told her friends. That was one way of putting it. Another was would have been that she had not found anyone to settle down with. There had been several men in her life, but they hadn't been convincing. They'd been somewhat like her table - quickly acquired, brightened up a little, but temporary. The time for that kind of thing was running out, however. She was tired of renting.
I feel like I've grown up a bit. I'm a bit more confident, and I've been reading more, and I've had a little more time to myself. I went on this writing trip to gather my thoughts about where and who I am in this world, and why we're all here.
When I am getting ready to cross a street, I look both ways before crossing. My bones, my muscles, are not what they used to be, so I am careful when I go up and down stairs, because I've heard stories of older people falling and having very disabling injuries. I have enough things that begin to go a little bit wrong as I get a little bit older.
I think being back in Australia has kind of helped a little bit because you just feel really comfortable around everyone, and it's the same environment that I've grown up in.
I always felt a little bit like a little kid that's never grown up in the world of adults.
I'm at a point where I'm ready to settle down. Every girl I meet, though, something wrong happens, and I end up getting hurt.
From my mother to people that I've known in my lifetime, they've tried to settle me down a little bit. Now I'm trying to do the same thing to my man Trump.
It's always nice to have the young boys in; they give a little bit of banter. But it's important to have the older guys to settle things down when you're in sticky situations.
You have 20 fights, you should know what it takes to get yourself ready. If you don't feel like you're ready, you let your coach know 'hey we need to work on a little bit more of this.'
I want to clear my mind a little bit and give my mind a little bit of time to breathe so I can pinpoint or at least nail down feelings I'm having and that I've had for the last however long. I need to nail them down long enough to actually write about and elaborate on them.
I had to be a grown-up when I should have been a little boy, and now that I'm a grown-up my little-boyness has exploded out of me. I've lived my life backwards.
There are times when I still feel like an actual toddler in a grown-up - well, semi-grown-up - body. But other times I can't wait to actually be 30, just so I can say things like, "I'm 30. I don't have time for that. F - k off!"
I've been with police on patrol. When you have a gun, you just feel different. There's a protective level and you feel all those feelings. You feel a little bit macho and a little bit frightened.
I've grown up a little bit. I understand the importance of the negotiation. It is a collective act.
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