A Quote by Petina Gappah

If I truly had the courage of my convictions, I would be a full-blown comic novelist. — © Petina Gappah
If I truly had the courage of my convictions, I would be a full-blown comic novelist.
A very popular error: having the courage of one's convictions; rather it is a matter of having the courage for an attack on one's convictions.
Everybody was talking about the religious man who committed suicide. While no one in the monastery approved of the man's action, some say they admired his faith. Faith?" said the Master. He had the courage of his convictions, didn't he?" That was fanaticism, not faith. Faith demands a greater courage still: to reexamine one's convictions and reject them if they do not fit the facts.
Republicans stand by their convictions. Stupid, ignorant, world-destroying convictions based on disproven economic fantasies and ancient books full of primitive morality and magic people. But convictions, nonetheless.
It is not enough to have the courage of your convictions, you must also have the courage to have your convictions challenged.
I'm a huge comic book collector. When I was a kid, I had both Marvel and DC. I was my own librarian. I made card files. I had origin stories of all the characters, and cross-referenced when they appeared in other comic books. I was full on.
Conservative supporters might either have the courage of their convictions or, if truly ashamed, revise them, but they should at least refute the proposition that defending your own interests is only acceptable if you're broke.
The only people that come to my mind in the last years are Lee McQueen and John Galliano. Truly, truly . . . How do I say? Full of ideas. Full of the smell. They just had this incredible passion for what they did.
To my ear, the term 'comic novelist' is as redundant and off-putting as the term 'literary novelist'.
We need people who influence their peers and who cannot be detoured from their convictions by peers who do not have the courage to have any convictions.
They can't yank a novelist like they can a pitcher. A novelist has to go the full nine, even if it kills him.
It is easy enough to praise men for the courage of their convictions. I wish I could teach the sad young of this mealy generation the courage of their confusions.
It is easy enough to praise men for the courage of their conviction. I wish I could teach the sad young of this mealy generation the courage of their convictions.
Growing up, I didn't have any comic books, at all. But my friend had a trunk full of them, so comic books were like candy for me. I would go over to his house for a sleep-over, and I would just be devouring everything I could get my hands on. I knew the sleep-over was going to be over, and I was going to go back to my house and it was going to be Kipling.
Traditionally the investor has been the man with patience and the courage of his convictions who would buy when the harried or disheartened speculator was selling.
If I had had success when I was early twenties I'm sure I would have lost my mind, I would've just partied like crazy and probably blown everything I had.
I always wanted to be a writer, and I did want to be a novelist. In college I took a couple of classes that taught me I would never be a novelist. I discovered I had no imagination. My short stories were always thinly veiled memoir.
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