A Quote by Peyton Manning

Certainly our job as an offense to try to score points and that's running the ball, throwing the ball, whatever it is. Somehow, someway we've got to try to score points to help our team win. That's where the focus is and it's pretty easy just to focus on that.
It's football. The game hasn't changed. There's not tons of new concepts every year that go in. Offense is offense; it's our job to move the ball, to score points, and keep our defense off the field.
If I were a high school coach, I would put my best players on offense. The best athletes on my team, I would give them the ball and score points. I wouldn't play them on defense. I would play them where they can get the ball and score points.
What makes me a selfish player? Because I shoot the ball? I'm supposed to shoot the ball. That's how you score points. Those points go on the scoreboard for the whole team.
My job is to protect the football and score points and lead this offense on drives to score points.
The job of the offense is not to score points. The job of the defense is not to stop the other team from scoring points.
Each game, we try to win the three points, but every game, I want to score and help the team.
I try to help the team. It doesn't matter if you have to score 50 points or zero.
Stats don't matter. I care about winning, not stats. If I score 0 points and we win I'm happy. If I score 50, 60 points, break the records, and we lose, I'm pissed off. 'Cause I knew I did something wrong. I'll have a hell of a season if I win the championship and average 20 points a game.
I remember when I went to try out for the Olympic team in 1972, Coach Iba told me he didn't care how many points I could score because if I couldn't guard anybody, I wasn't going to make the team. I knew to make the team I had to become a better defender. If you can play offense, you can defend. It just comes down to competitive will.
Obviously, people say offense wins games, defenses win championships. But I think, at the end of the day, if you score more points than the other team, you're going to win.
I observed the way Dee and Deron played at the Nike Camp [in Indianapolis]. They share the ball well; I mean, they average about 13 points apiece and they could both score 20 -- they do what they have to do to help the team.
To score points, you need a lot of consistent effort over the course of the game. If you're throwing it or running it in, it's not a big difference in terms of the score at all, obviously. But turnovers limit your scoring. That's the problem with turnovers.
Going out on the field frantic isn't going to help you score points. You have to try to lead your team.
That's what we're here for as quarterbacks is to help our team win, lead the offense down the field and put points on the board.
Move the ball and score points. If we don't do that, I'm frustrated. Simply put.
I got to have more of those type of games where I'm just engaged. It doesn't matter the score or how many points I score.
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