A Quote by Phil Neville

When you come up against a big, powerful football nation, you are playing against history. When you talk about street football, you are talking about South American players who have grown up with nothing.
He has nothing to do with me and football really. I don't see any need for us to start talking about football. Some players have relationships with their fathers where they talk football and get into arguments about it. It is something we have never done. It is just a natural thing, he is my dad and not my coach.
I love talking about football, and obviously I love playing football, but you may not be able to play football forever, but you can talk about it for a long time.
When I first got to college, in my mind, I was going to end up playing professional football. When I tell people this story, they always end up laughing, and I chuckle about it at my own expense. I was a big fan of American football; I played in high school, and I ended up earning the opportunity to play in college.
Me and my dad, all we talk about is football. I do realize, for whatever our issues are and whatever repressions there may be, talking about football is how we communicate. He'll call me up and say 'This is what happened at the football.' But what he's also saying is 'I love you.'
I started playing football on the streets; I grew up playing football on the streets with my friends, and that's why I was brought up the way I was. That's the school I had - the street football.
I like to know about football and everything about a club when I play there, so I talk to people when they come up to me in the street.
Malcolm Gladwell was on TV talking about wanting to have college football banned. It's interesting just because of him even bringing the topic up. Sooner or later, whether people are for or against it whether they like it or not, that is going to be a discussion that is going to come up. That's how it all starts - someone brings up the inquiry: Should we continue to let our children play Pop Warner, high school, and college football? Ten, 15, 20 years from now, who knows where that conversation is going to be.
I learned to play football in the streets. Every day of school, everyone came and played football. The street is a good school, and you learn many things there - resiliency, how to play against older players, and how to put up with or dodge kicks.
When I was growing up, I knew a lot about football because I saw some of my grown-up siblings watching football on TV and they supported Manchester United.
I want kids to continue to enjoy our game and benefit from the rewards of playing the ultimate team sport. That's why it's important for young players, parents, and coaches to know about U.S.A. Football's Head Up Football program.
European teams have always shied away from South American football. They struggle to get to grips with it. The South American game is more technical and about keeping possession, while European football is more dynamic, physical and direct.
I hope we can get to a point where women players are being paid properly all around the world so the only thing they have to worry about is playing football and playing football alone.
I was called up for Spain against France, my international debut, and it was said that I had gastroenteritis when I had an anxiety attack. But no one wants to talk about that. Football's not interested.
Oftentimes, even myself as I've come through my entire career from high school all the way up here, everything has been football, football, football. And then you realize that life is much bigger than this game, especially when you start thinking about life after football and what you want to leave behind.
When you talk about kicking racism out of football, people automatically assume you are talking about on the terraces and on the football field. But all racists have to do is keep their mouth shut for 90 minutes and they're fine.
Dennis is something special. We are talking a lot about exciting football, and Dennis Bergkamp, I think, started with attractive football a long time ago. He was one of these players. A lot of the things he did as a football player you can compare to art.
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