A Quote by Philip Sidney

Provision is the foundation of hospitality, and thrift the fuel of magnificence. — © Philip Sidney
Provision is the foundation of hospitality, and thrift the fuel of magnificence.
A creative economy is the fuel of magnificence.
No one will be able to rise to the magnificence of the missionary cause who does not feel the magnificence of Christ.
There is no greater magnificence than to defeat oneself. That is the magnificence.
Housing Works is the coolest thrift store in the world, because not only are they the best thrift store - they're not the most thrifty thrift store - but they have amazing stuff and all of their proceeds go directly to kids, mostly homeless kids, living with AIDS and HIV in New York, in the metropolitan area.
Thrift shopping is all about going into the thrift shop and having no expectation of what you might find.
Thrift, thrift, Horatio! The funeral bak'd meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables.
It has been said by a certain general, that the first object in the establishment of an army ought to be making provision for the belly, that being the basis and foundation of all operations.
You're extending hospitality, and hospitality is a big part of how politics works.
When you realize your own magnificence, you will only attract magnificence into your life.
Hospitality means we take people into the space that is our lives and our minds and our hearts and our work and our efforts. Hospitality is the way we come out of ourselves. It is the first step towards dismantling the barriers of the world. Hospitality is the way we turn a prejudiced world around, one heart at a time.
The system is not intended as a substitute for private savings, pension plans, and insurance protection. It is, rather, intended as the foundation upon which these other forms of protection can be soundly built. Thus, the individual's own work, his planning and his thrift will bring him a higher standard of living upon his retirement, or his family a higher standard of living in the event of his death, than would otherwise be the case. Hence the system both encourages thrift and self-reliance, and helps to prevent destitution in our national life.
If you build that foundation, both the moral and the ethical foundation, as well as the business foundation, and the experience foundation, then the building won't crumble.
Our look evolved from the fact that we bought thrift-store clothes. It wasn't like, 'Let adopt a thrift-store aesthetic.' We just didn't have any money.
I'm on tour all the time, so I stop at thrift shops. The minute we hit a town, I'll have my assistant Googling thrift stores. I have him go check beforehand; then we go there.
This is sort of the epitome of the economic elite that is converging with a political elite. It's not only the banks and insurance companies. It's the war industry and private prisons. Certainly the fossil fuel agencies. It's not only that they're supporting this campaign, they're supporters of the Clinton Foundation. And where the Clinton Foundation ends and Hillary's [Clinton] political actions begin, that too is quite troubling.
True Hospitality is welcoming the stranger on her own terms. This kind of hospitality can only be offered by those who've found the center of their lives in their own hearts.
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