A Quote by Philippe Couillard

Quebecers are happy in Canada. We are benefiting economically and fiscally from belonging to Canada. We're proud of being Canadian. It's a great country. Everybody on Earth envies our Canadian citizenship.
If there's a pro-Canadian, or someone who's a real proud Canadian, I am. Nobody in Canada would want a united Canada more than me.
A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian. And you devalue the citizenship of every Canadian in this place and in this country when you break down and make it conditional for anyone.
The Bachelor Canada' will be uniquely Canadian in and of itself because you're going to have a 100 percent Canadian cast, you're going to use Canada as a backdrop, you'll be going to all of those iconic places around Canada from coast-to-coast.
I'm also alternative because of Canada - there's something romantic about being Canadian. We're a relatively unpopulated, somewhat civilized, and clean and resourceful country. I always push the fact that I'm Canadian.
Everybody in Canada watches it, everybody in Canada talks about it. Obviously, the NHL is not going on, so when you have an Olympics, the entire focus is on the Canadian team.
Canada is destined to be one of the great nations of the world and Canadian women must be ready for citizenship.
I love Canada. I am from Canada. I will bash the Canadian government but never Canada.
I always feel very connected to Canada. My reference for everything is my Canadian background, my life in Canada. Particularly on this issue of refugee immigration: I couldn't be prouder of Canada.
No matter what I do I'll always be Canadian. What happened with me being banned was not about the sport of racquetball, but about the organisation. Why am I going to allow people who are irrelevant to sway me? I'll never turn my back on Canada. I'm proud to be Canadian.
I'm a really proud, happy Canadian. I think we've got it figured out in our country. For example, gay marriage has just been legalized in all of the U.S. and it's like, 'Wow, hashtag lovewins,' but that's not necessarily a leap forward compared to what we've already experienced in Canada years ago.
Canada should always open its doors to those who are oppressed or in cases of emergency. When Canada offered refuge to 50,000 boat people in Vietnam in the 1970s, I was particularly proud to be Canadian.
Definitely very proud, very honoured to be Canadian. To be able to represent your country in Canada and win a gold medal on home soil is an honour in itself. There is no doubt in my mind that we were prepared for whatever it was going to take. And I think that we battled hard and we had no doubt in our mind that if we went out there and played Canadian hockey that we would come out successful.
Canadians are friends and Quebecers are my family. What France knows deep down is that within this great Canadian people, there is a Quebec nation. I do not see how proving my family, brotherly love for Quebec should be strengthened by defying Canada.
I have one love - Canada; one purpose - Canada's greatness; one aim - Canadian unity from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Anytime I meet people who got to make the deliberate choice, whose parents chose Canada, I'm jealous. Because I think being able to choose it, rather than being Canadian by default, is an amazing statement of attachment to Canada.
Everybody wants all of our businesses to have no restrictions in any country, but even in Canada, in order to distribute home entertainment, you need to follow the Canadian rules, and it's just about as hard to do business there as it is in China.
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