A Quote by Pierce Brosnan

I realise how precious life is, probably because I've seen how it can be taken away. — © Pierce Brosnan
I realise how precious life is, probably because I've seen how it can be taken away.
I think I'm very conscientious of how precious life is and how quickly life can be taken away from you, especially at times when it can be least expected.
Life is precious, and when someone dies it's an opportunity to realise how precious it is. My brother drowned when I was 17. He was 15. I think I grew from that. My father didn't. It really crushed him.
I don't think we realise just how fast we go until you stop for a minute and realise just how loud and how hectic your life is, and how easily distracted you can get.
Before getting meningitis, I was such a hypochondriac, worrying about the slightest ache. Ironically, I overlooked meningitis because the symptoms seemed like flu. I guess you don't realise how healthy you are until it is taken away from you.
I didn't realise how my life was changing. When I was 17, 18, 20, I didn't realise how big football was and everything around football. How many people live for football and love football. I was a professional, but I was a supporter.
There have been those moments in my life - in all of our lives - where you think, "I could literally be dead at any moment." Once you go down the rabbit hole, you realize how precious life is and you realize you never realized before how precious life is.
I've seen enough killing in my life. I know how precious human life is and I don't need a lecture from you.
I think it's an enormous blessing to be the child of an immigrant who fled oppression, because you realize how fragile liberty is and how easily it can be taken away.
The world has been set up in such a way that we don't even realise how ingrained certain things are, like how much we live in a patriarchal society or how institutional racism is ingrained in how we see the world. We don't realise how many things are being set in stone, in our heads.
Health is a precious gift. You realise more and more as you get older just how precious a gift it is.
I've seen people pass away. I've seen how fragile life is.
'Dr Who' is an extraordinary association that I have because I didn't realise until I was in the show quite how worldwide it is and how popular and how dear it is to so many people's hearts.
There's no better girlfriend than your own work, because when it goes away, you realise how important it is.
What we don't realise when we watch a normal film is how many times someone has run in just before a shot quickly to wipe away that sweaty moustache. You never see a normal spot, a bag under the eye or an unplucked eyebrow, because that's not how Hollywood works.
How women dressed every single day back in those days is seen as kind of incredible - it must have taken so much time. But there's something so romantic about that because it's so different to how we dress. That aesthetic is so appealing, it's not what we're used to nowadays.
Oh, how precious is time, and how it pains me to see it slide away, while I do so little to any good purpose.
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