A Quote by Pierre Boulez

It is not enough to deface the Mona Lisa because that does not kill the Mona Lisa. All art of the past must be destroyed. — © Pierre Boulez
It is not enough to deface the Mona Lisa because that does not kill the Mona Lisa. All art of the past must be destroyed.
We look at the Mona Lisa and say we're going to do our version of the Mona Lisa. We mirror it. But exaptation would say that painting the Mona Lisa would lead to a whole new place... Bugs Bunny.
The Mona Lisa, to me, is the greatest emotional painting ever done. The way the smile flickers makes it a work of both art and science, because Leonardo understood optics, and the muscles of the lips, and how light strikes the eye - all of it goes into making the Mona Lisa's smile so mysterious and elusive.
You know, people call mystery novels or thrillers 'puzzles.' I never understood that, because when I buy a puzzle, I already know what it is. It's on the box. And even if I don't, if it's a 5,000-piece puzzle of the 'Mona Lisa', it's not like I put the last piece in and go, 'I had no idea it's the 'Mona Lisa'!'
I suggested that it was not enough to add a moustache to the Mona Lisa: it should simply be destroyed.
I used to always sing my way into the movies and the basketball games or whatever. I'd sing for whoever's on the door, and they'd let me in. I used to think I was Nat King Cole back in the day, you know. So I'd sing something like, 'Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa, men have named you,' and they'd let me in.
I really believe that if you practice enough you could paint the 'Mona Lisa' with a two-inch brush.
Mona Lisa must have had the highway blues; you can tell by the way she smiles.
Every work of art belongs to his time. I would not paint again the Mona Lisa in the third dimension.
With all due respect, the Mona Lisa is overrated.
If you think of any past artist, there was something that they looked at that inspired them to make their most famous pieces, whether it be the 'Mona Lisa' or 'Venus Rising.'
You wouldn't get rid of the Mona Lisa just because someone painted another picture of a woman smiling.
Hey, even the Mona Lisa is falling apart.
Well, is it pornography or is it art? Well as far as I'm concerned, the Mona Lisa is art.
Mona Lisa looks as if she has just been sick, or is about to be.
I was to Japanese visitors to Washington what the Mona Lisa is to Americans visiting Paris.
You should definitely visit the Louvre, a world-famous art museum where you can view, at close range, the backs of thousands of other tourists trying to see the Mona Lisa.
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