He who allows himself to be insulted deserves to be so; and insolence, if unpunished, increases!
[Lat., Qui se laisse outrager, merite qu'on l'outrage
Et l'audace impunie enfle trop un courage.]
For whoever meditates a crime is guilty of the deed.
[Lat., Nam scelus intra se tacitum qui cogitat ullum,
Facti crimen habet.]
Ceux qui revent eveilles ont conscience de 1000 choses qui echapent a ceux qui ne revent qu'endormis. The one who has day dream are aware of 1000 things that the one who dreams only when he sleeps will never understand. (it sounds better in french, I do what I can with my translation...)
Every vice makes its guilt the more conspicuous in proportion to the rank of the offender.
[Lat., Omne animi vitium tanto conspectius in se
Crimen habet, quanto major qui peccat habetur.]
He who allows himself to be insulted deserves to be.
Who is a good man? He who keeps the decrees of the fathers, and both human and divine laws.
[Lat., Vir bonus est quis?
Qui consulta patrum, qui leges juraque servat.]
Le plus beau vêtement qui puisse habiller une femme, ce sont les bras de l'homme qu'elle aime. Mais, pour celles qui n'ont pas eu la chance de trouver ce bonheur, je suis là.
I do not like the man who squanders life for fame; give me the man who living makes a name.
[Lat., Nolo virum facili redimit qui sanquine famam;
Hunc volo laudari qui sine morte potest.]
Quand celui à qui l'on parle ne comprend pas et celui qui parle ne se comprend pas, c'est de la métaphysique When he to whom a person speaks does not understand, and he who speaks does not understand himself, that is metaphysics.
Il n'y a que deux sortes d'hommes: les uns justes, qui se croient pe cheurs; les autres pe cheurs, qui se croient justes. There are only two types of people: the virtuous who believe themselves to be sinners and the sinners who believe themselves to be virtuous.
Every man should measure himself by his own standard.
[Lat., Metiri se quemque suo modulo ac pede verum est.]
Coeur qui soupire n'a pas ce qu'il desire. The heart that sighs does not have what it desires.
One eye-witness is of more weight than ten hearsays. Those who hear, speak of shat they have heard; whose who see, know beyond mistake.
[Lat., Pluris est oculatus testis unus, quam auriti decem.
Qui audiunt, audita dicunt; qui vident, plane sciunt.]
La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid
Se Souvenir du passe, et qu'il ya un avenir: Remember the past, and that there is a future.
Silence gives consent.
[Lat., Qui tacet, consentire videtur.]
He who lives without committing any folly is not so wise as he thinks.
[Fr., Qui vit sans folie n'est pas si sage qu'il croit.]