A Quote by Pim Fortuyn

In Holland, homosexuality is treated the same way as heterosexuality. In what Islamic country does that happen? — © Pim Fortuyn
In Holland, homosexuality is treated the same way as heterosexuality. In what Islamic country does that happen?
If Lacan presumes that female homosexuality issues from a disappointed heterosexuality, as observation is said to show, could it not be equally clear to the observer that heterosexuality issues from a disappointed homosexuality?
Some people say homosexuality is a sin. It’s not. God is perfectly cool with it, God feels the exact same way about homosexuality that God feels about heterosexuality. Now you might say, ‘Whoa, slow down. You move too fast. How could you have the audacity, the temerity, to speak on behalf of God?’ Exactly, that’s an excellent point and I pray that you remember it.
I feel that a film or a play presenting homosexuality does not necessarily have to come with a message for the audience. It is a way of life, everyone should be treated equally.
I believe that the fact and the reality of homosexuality and heterosexuality and of opposite and same-gender unions should be taught in our public schools without a value judgement system also being offered.
What the homosexual wants, and here he is neither willing to compromise nor morally required to compromise — is acceptance of homosexuality as a way of life fully on a par with heterosexuality.
The heterosexuality or homosexuality of many individuals is not an all-or-none proposition.
I cannot believe homosexuality is that much fun. Heterosexuality certainly is not.
I think heterosexuality and homosexuality are a kind of psychosis, and the truth is somewhere in the middle.
A man's heterosexuality will not put up with any homosexuality, and vice versa.
It is an old stereotype, that homosexuality has to do only with sex while heterosexuality is multifaceted and embraces love and romance.
Qatar does not have much history, it's a new emirate. So I couldn't draw on the history of the country; its history is really just being a desert. But I thought, the one thing I must learn about for this project is the Islamic faith. So I read about Islam and Islamic architecture, and the more I studied the more I realized where the best Islamic buildings were.
In itself, homosexuality is as limiting as heterosexuality: the ideal should be to be capable of loving a woman or a man; either, a human being, without feeling fear, restraint, or obligation.
I was raised in Holland, where race and homosexuality are not a subject matter but rather a part of life.
No citizen is a second class citizen in the city of Chicago. If my children are treated one way, every child is treated the same way.
I don't mind the homosexuality. I understand it. Nevertheless, goddamn, I don't think you glorify it on public television, homosexuality, even more than you glorify whores. We all know we have weaknesses. But, goddammit, what do you think that does to kids? You know what happened to the Greeks! Homosexuality destroyed them. Sure, Aristotle was a homo. We all know that. So was Socrates.
I'm a shareholder in three networks in Holland. That allows me to put ideas that we create in Holland on air in Holland, and if it works, then we distribute the show's format globally.
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