A Quote by Pope Francis

An authentic faith always implies a deep desire to change the world. — © Pope Francis
An authentic faith always implies a deep desire to change the world.
An authentic faith-which is never comfortable or completely personal-always involves a deep desire to change the world, to transmit values, to leave this earth somehow better than we found it.
If you awaken from this illusion, and you understand that black implies white, self implies other, life implies death - or shall I say, death implies life - you can conceive yourself. Not conceive, but feel yourself, not as a stranger in the world, not as someone here on sufferance, on probation, not as something that has arrived here by fluke, but you can begin to feel your own existence as absolutely fundamental. What you are basically, deep, deep down, far, far in, is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself.
We are going through a period of profound political and economic change around the world, and American citizens showed that deep desire for change in voting to elect Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States.
Faith as the state of being ultimately concerned implies love, namely, the desire and urge toward the reunion of the seperated.
Any real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one an identity, the end of safety.
Always without desire we must be found, If its deep mystery we would sound; But if desire always within us be, Its outer fringe is all that we shall see.
We think in our society today that the way people change is that they have to have a deep desire to change or that the way they change is they have to hit rock bottom. But neither of those things is true.
You can do amazing things if you have strong faith, deep desire, and just hang in there.
Help me to change the world is an invitation to be authentic, to follow your heart, to be free of superstitions and lies. And I'm not asking you to try to change the world. Don't try: just do it.
If we allow the love of Christ to change our heart, then we can change the world. This is the secret of authentic happiness.
One of the principal reasons why so many fail to get what they want is because they do not definitely know what they want, or because they change their wants almost every day. Know what you want and continue to want it. You will get it if you combine desire with faith. The power of desire when combined with faith becomes invincible.
There is a deep desire to change the power structure.
In economics, hope and faith coexist with great scientific pretension and also a deep desire for respectability.
The truth is that my work - I was going to say my mission - is to shatter the faith of men here, there, and everywhere, faith in affirmation, faith in negation, and faith in abstention in faith, and this for the sake of faith in faith itself; it is to war against all those who submit, whether it be to Catholicism, or to rationalism, or to agnosticism; it is to make all men live the life of inquietude and passionate desire.
The Polar Express is about faith, and the power of imagination to sustain faith. It's also about the desire to reside in a world where magic can happen, the kind of world we all believed in as children, but one that disappears as we grow older.
God can change our circumstances, but sometimes He waits for us to show real desire for change as well as our faith in Him.
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