A Quote by Porter Robinson

I love the idea of web design that maximises expressiveness over functionality. — © Porter Robinson
I love the idea of web design that maximises expressiveness over functionality.
Great web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine.
My earliest design work was print, and that was my first love. Of course, as the years went on, I did more and more Web design and less and less print. And like everyone who made the switch from print to Web design, I bemoaned the lack of control.
Everyone longs for expressiveness. That's why love carries so much weight. Because so many lives are without other means of expressiveness.
Professional kitchens are studied to cook for countless people. At home, design often wins over functionality. A restaurant must be functional.
The productivity and expressiveness of Flash remain advantages for the Web community even as HTML advances.
Good design to me is both appearance and functionality together. It's the experience that makes it good design.
What's the number-one thing people do on the Web? They read. Words and numbers are the raw material from which the vast majority of webpages are built. If reading is the primary activity on the Web, then readability is a primary function of Web design.
At one point, I was blogging prodigiously, in the late '90s; and I was getting, like, millions of pages because I was, like, one of the only people writing about web design, and I was always writing about web design.
I always love design but the more I designed for clients, the less I liked the process of designing for them. I do lettering and illustration for money, which clients don't mess with too much and web design for fun.
Puma was all about function and not at all about design. The founder of the company always believed functionality and performance were the only ingredients that could make Puma successful and design never mattered.
We have an opportunity with the Model S to refine the design language, the surfacing, and all aspects of functionality.
A challenging economy is always good for design. It unites necessity and functionality. You are forced to be creative with poor materials.
The usability tests we have conducted during the last year have shown an increasing reluctance among users to accept innovations in Web design. The prevailing attitude is to request designs that are similar to everything else people see on the Web.
Web design is the creation of digital environments that facilitate and encourage human activity; reflect or adapt to individual voices and content; and change gracefully over time while always retaining their identity.
People love photos. Photos originally weren't that big a part of the idea for Facebook, but we just found that people really like them, so we built out this functionality.
Design must be functional and functionality must be translated into visual aesthetics, without any reliance on gimmicks that have to be explained.
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