A Quote by Preston Sturges

I have always wondered why the movie industry was so firmly persuaded that the original author could be of no possible help in the case of a remake or any other change in a work.
With any movie that gets remade, whether I like the remake or not, I'm glad that I can still go watch the original that I love. If the remake is offering something different, I really value that because I'm having a new experience and adding something new to my life.
'Overboard' was the movie that I put on when I wasn't feeling great, and it always made me feel better. I could watch it a gazillion times. So when they approached me to be a part of this remake, I was terrified because I felt like there's no way anything could live up to the original. But it was thrilling.
'Chronicle' could have been a video-game movie. The original 'RoboCop' and the remake could have come from video games.
You never want to have a movie be derivative, because that's the worst if you ask me. I always want to be in original material, or an original idea, or an original vision, rather than a rehash of some other movie.
Working on an adaptation is not as satisfying, because it's not your original work: you're interpreting. With 'L.A. Confidential,' I loved the book. In that case, I felt I was guardian of the work, staying as true to the novel as I could. I've since met the novelist, and he loves the movie and the script.
If we change in different directions, then we don't have any future anyway, do we? I think it's possible for two people to change together, to grow together and enrich instead of diminish each other. The sum of one and one, if they're the right ones, can be infinity! But so often one person drags the other down; one person wants to go up like a balloon and the other's a dead weight. I've always wondered what it would be like if both people, if a woman and a man both wanted to go up like balloons!
How was it possible that entire lives could change, could be destroyed, and that streets and buildings remained the same, she wondered.
I don't remake any movie, whether old or of other language.
I'm just curious how it'd look like if someone tried to remake my work. But I really believe that it's hard to remake of any of my work.
My mom always told me I could do or be anything I dared to dream, and I always wanted to work in the movie industry.
But when they needed love or help or had a problem of any kind, they could always go to Roselle because she was always there for them. That was not always the case with me.
I always wondered why there weren't any films about Cesar Chavez. There are movies about other civil rights leaders in this country, but why not Chavez?
You have to take a broader view and realize this is an industry like any other - telecoms, Railroads; they went through consolidation. Why shouldn't the computer industry be any different? This shouldn't have been a surprise to anybody but it seemed to be, and a lot of people thought I was nuts when I said these things. And that's why they are alone as a consolidator.
There's no other industry in the world where you could spend $100m as frivolously as they do in the film industry. Think about how much good you could do with $100m... it can be spent in 20 minutes on a movie.
I've got every possible thing I could want. And I wondered, 'Why am I so depressed?' I still don't know sometimes.
I never expect anything. I am always amazed at why anybody goes to any movie or why anybody doesn't go to any movie. Any movie you make, you make it because you're hoping somebody wants to see it, but you never know.
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