A Quote by Prince

There's something about having people around you giving you support that is - it's motivating, and once I got that support from people then I believed I could do anything.
I got a lot of mail from organizations concerned with bike safety. Then I got a couple from people who wanted my support for mandatory helmet laws. I can't support that. If you pass a law like that you'll do more harm than good, because you'll make people think they've done something about the problem when they haven't.
You have to surround yourself with people who live, breathe and eat something that you're trying to do, and then it becomes a motivating thing for them to want to support and get behind what you're doing - it's all good then.
I've got incredible support from my wife and family and people around me. I've got great people around me who handle anything on the outside, business-wise, who help free me up to create in my job.
I personally am thrilled at the numbers of people, and particularly young people who are coming to support Bernie Sanders campaign. I hope that I will be able to earn their support. They may not support me now, but I support them and we'll work together.
If you want people to support you, then you have to support them. You have to think long about what you did for people who voted for you, made phone calls for you, who went door to door for you.
There is a lack of collective support or social support for working people in America. We're told, "You can be, as an individual, anything you want to be, but it must be at something else's - or somebody else's - expense."
If we can't support a woman while she is giving life, then we don't support women.
People can't pay you to care. People can't teach you to care. But when you find something that you care about, you give it everything you've got. You never settle. And you are always pushing to learn and be better and support those around you. All I've tried to do in my career is care.
I loved the banter with the fans and the thought I was giving something back to the people who support me. But then you get people telling me to go and play for Africa. What do they mean by that? It's so narrow-minded and it's hard to take.
I don't support violence and I don't support negative energy. I don't support people putting other people down.
In my view, this is not extremism on the left. This is what the American people support in poll after poll. Support the right to a job. Support living wages. Support real climate action. Support small community-based banks that make loans available to every day people and small businesses, not these too-big-to-fail banks that rip us off, that crash the economy at taxpayer expense. Support a public-option healthcare system, not Obamacare, which has been a boondoggle for insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
You need to have a great support around you, people that empathise, understand and yet support, because these CEO jobs are all-consuming.
I support legal immigration. I don't support amnesty because it is not fair to people standing in line at consulates around the world.
True to form, many of the people who desire to frustrate God's purposes of giving mortal tabernacles to His spirit children through worldwide birth control are the very same people who support the kinds of government that perpetuate famine. They advocate an evil to cure the results of the wickedness they support.
I don't see politics as one or two people just making or delivering announcements - it's also about winning public support and the public enthusiasm. You've got to win public support.
If you stand for something, that means there are going to be people who support you and people who don't support you.
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