A Quote by Prince Fielder

Yeah, I'm a vegetarian - but still, some things are just nasty. I like salads. But sometimes, they get too creative. I like regular food, just no meat in it. — © Prince Fielder
Yeah, I'm a vegetarian - but still, some things are just nasty. I like salads. But sometimes, they get too creative. I like regular food, just no meat in it.
I’m sure you gathered this by now: I just do what I want. Have I made out with chicks? Hell yeah. Did I think it was awesome? Hell yeah. I wouldn’t call myself bi. Like, if I didn’t eat meat for a week, it doesn’t make me a vegetarian. So I like people, and that’s just it. I like people.
I'm not a vegetarian, and I like filet minion which is sort of a guilty pleasure because I have vegetarian leanings. I eat that once in a while, but generally speaking I like to eat vegetarian things. I really like pasta. I really like bread with olive oil and garlic and I like salads.
But I do love to cook. When I have a dinner party I like to invite loads of people, then I would just do like a salad buffet, with some snacks and cold meat and lots of different salads.
In our house, some of our favourite recipes just happen to be vegetarian, but I still enjoy meat and I believe very much in meat.
Not everyone can be bribed with meat, Oberon." "They Can't? Oh! you mean they're vegetarian." "No, they eat meat. It just doesn't sway their decision making process." "Well that... that's just wrong, Atticus!Are they Monsters? It's like they have no moral center!
It's nice when you happen into a vegetarian restaurant, but really, you can find veggie food everywhere. Pastas, salads, a vegetable plate - I actually like ordering vegetarian in a meaty place because it gives them a jolt to come up with something and recognize the demand.
I feel like I eat pretty clean as my regular routine. I eat a lot of steamed vegetables, steamed chicken. I don't eat that much meat. I'd be maybe, I would say, 90 percent vegetarian. Mostly just because I like the way it makes me feel, not other reasons.
I want kids that look up to me to know that I'm a vegetarian, and I want to help them find alternatives to meat. I'm not gonna tell everyone that they should be vegetarian, even though they should be. I'm more gonna say, 'You don't have to be fully vegetarian; just don't eat meat every other day.'
At first, people think about vegetarian food like, 'Here's some veggies. Here's some pasta.' But there's so much more you can do in the vegetarian and vegan world.
Sometimes you get caught up in what's going on around you. The reality is that you are just a regular person. At some point, the career will be over, the bright lights turn off. That can come back to haunt you if you're not just a regular guy.
In music industry they always want you to write something like the one that was popular. And that's something you kind of have to just - sometimes you just say yes to people, like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure," and then you just write the one you want to write.
I'm a vegetarian. You're a what? I don't eat meat. How can you not eat meat? I just don't. He says he does not eat meat. What? No meat? No meat. Steak? No... Chickens! No... And what about the sausage? No, no sausage, no meat! He says he does not eat any meat. Not even sausage? I know! What is wrong with him? What is wrong with you? Nothing, I just don't eat meat!
I get tired too, just like everybody else. Sometimes I tell people that, but all I get is people saying that being vulnerable and weak is just not like me. I rarely get the response of emotional support I want. But sometimes I need it.
I only get fat when I eat food cooked by other chefs. At home, my wife does all the cooking. She makes simple things like soups and salads. We both like steamed tofu.
There are sexual things that I do that aren’t for a man. I feel empowered sometimes by being sexy and being comfortable enough to be sexy on camera — a lot of woman [sic] struggle with that. But, there are some days that I don’t want anyone to see me. I’m just a regular girl. Some days, I’m super-strong; some days, I’m super-insecure. But, I don’t really identify with any particular label. I just speak my truth, and if people like it, they like it, and if they bash it, they bash it.
Yeah, I feel like every year there's some collective thought that podcasts just keep evolving and that podcasts are still just like the weird wild west of media.
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