A Quote by Priti Patel

The countries that succeed will be those that are nimble and able to use their human capital to take advantage of opportunities as they arise. — © Priti Patel
The countries that succeed will be those that are nimble and able to use their human capital to take advantage of opportunities as they arise.
Countries only have certain opportunities in history, and if you do not take advantage of them, those opportunities don't ever come back to you again.
The difference between those who succeed and fail: not taking advantage of opportunities.
Human will is the strongest will ever created. There are those who are born to succeed and those who are determined to succeed. The former fall into it, and the latter pursue it at all costs. They won’t be denied. Nothing daunts them.
The climate challenge illustrates how we have to change. The developing countries need more support and opportunities to develop and use clean energy. Because if the current situation continues, then the world will not be able to handle this burden.
Give me an opportunity, I'm going to take advantage of those opportunities.
The people who will succeed fifteen years from now, the countries which will succeed, are those which are most based on a sustainable vision of the world. That is what we should be training people to do
Any path you take, if you commit with passion, you can be successful. By going to business school, certain opportunities may open up to you sooner. But it's who you are and how you take advantage of your opportunities that matter.
I want to support myself legally, and take advantage of the opportunities and organize and benefit from those choices.
I've been able to accomplish goals that I set for myself, where in countries like Cuba you just don't get those opportunities.
I think that has to do with my awareness that in a sense we all have a certain measure of responsibility to those who have made it possible for us to take advantage of the opportunities. The door is opened only so far. If some of us can squeeze through the crack of that door, then we owe it to those who have made those demands that the door be opened to use the knowledge or the skills that we acquire not only for ourselves but in the service of the community as well. This is something that I guess I decided a long time ago.
Be swift to take advantage of business opportunities. Bigger companies are too cumbersome to move quickly; this can be a competitive advantage for you.
I think that has to do with my awareness that in a sense we all have a certain measure of responsibility to those who have made it possible for us to take advantage of the opportunities.
When something you use again and again is on sale, take advantage. This strategy doesn't apply to perishable items, and you don't want to buy so much more than you need just to get a deal, but if you know you're going to use a product eventually, it pays to take advantage of the cheaper price.
Opportunities will always be there but the level you'd be able to fulfil those opportunities depends on you being fully present and working to the best of your ability.
We Marxists believe that a revolution will also take place in other countries. But it will take place only when the revolutionaries in those countries think it possible, or necessary. The export of revolution is nonsense. Every country will make its own revolution if it wants to, and if it does not want to, there will be no revolution.
I'm a recording artist who's traveled around the world so I have different opportunities than other people and people may decide how I should use my opportunities because my opportunities are public whereas I can't decide how people should use their opportunities because their opportunities are private. That's what we're dealing with - people feeling like they should be able to control celebrities.
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