A Quote by Publilius Syrus

It is foolish to fear that which you cannot avoid. -Stultum est timere quod vitare non potes — © Publilius Syrus
It is foolish to fear that which you cannot avoid. -Stultum est timere quod vitare non potes

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There is nothing which God cannot do. [Lat., Nihil est quod deus efficere non possit.]
It is foolish to fear what you cannot avoid.
What is lawful is undesirable; what is unlawful is very attractive. [Lat., Quod licet est ingratum quod non licet acrius urit.]
You cannot avoid war in life, you cannot avoid the fear of terrorism, you cannot avoid those things now, they are a part of everyday demeanor.
Out of many evils the evil which is least is the least of evils. [Lat., E malis multis, malum, quod minimum est, id minimum est malum.]
For many ages it has been allowed by sensible men, Nihil est in intellectu quod non fuit prius in sensu: That is, There is nothing in the understanding which was not first perceived by some of the senses. All the knowledge which we naturally have is originally derived from our senses. And therefore those who want any sense cannot have the least knowledge or idea of the objects of that sense; as they that never had sight have not the least knowledge or conception of light or colours.
He despises what he sought; and he seeks that which he lately threw away. [Lat., Quod petit spernit, repetit quod nuper omisit.]
There is nothing more foolish than a foolish laugh. Risu inepto res ineptior nulla est
When fear has seized upon the mind, man fears that only which he first began to fear. [Lat., Ubi intravit animos pavor, id solum metuunt, quod primum formidate coeperunt.]
Ah me! love can not be cured by herbs. [Lat., Hei mihi! quod nullis amor est medicabilis herbis.]
What, if as said, man is a bubble. [Lat., Quod, ut dictur, si est homo bulla, eo magis senex.]
No one sees what is before his feet: we all gaze at the stars. [Lat., Quod est ante pedes nemo spectat: coeli scrutantur plagas.]
If the test of truth lay in a show of hands or a counting of heads, the system of magic might appeal, with far more reason than the Catholic Church, to the proud motto, 'Quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus' [always, everywhere, and by all], as the sure and certain credential of its own infallibility.
What is hid is unknown: for what is unknown there is no desire. [Lat., Quod latet ignotum est; ignoti nulla cupido.]
That which you cannot express is Love. That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty. That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.
Physicians attend to the business of physicians, and workmen handle the tools of workmen. [Lat., Quod medicorum est Promittunt medici, tractant fabrilia fabri.]
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