A Quote by Publilius Syrus

Deliberando saepe perit occasio [The opportunity often slips away while we deliberate on it]. — © Publilius Syrus
Deliberando saepe perit occasio [The opportunity often slips away while we deliberate on it].
Deliberando saepe perit occasio
Occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile."..' Opportunity is fleeting, experiment dangerous, and judgement difficult.
Sometimes while you wait for what you think is better, Philomene said, what is good enough slips away.
The wild boar is often held by a small dog. [Lat., A cane non magno saepe tenetur aper.]
Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi sed saepe cadendo. (The drop excavates the stone, not with force but by falling often.)
A spark neglected has often raised a conflagration. [Lat., Parva saepe scintilla contempta magnum excitavit incendium.]
It is often a comfort in misfortune to know our own fate. [Lat., Saepe calamitas solatium est nosse sortem suam.]
Often while traveling with a camera we arrive just as the sun slips over the horizon of a moment, too late to expose film, only time enough to expose our hearts.
Constant practice devoted to one subject often outdoes both intelligence and skill. - Assiduus usus uni rei deditus et ingenium et artem saepe vincit
Often turn the stile [correct with care], if you expect to write anything worthy of being read twice. [Lat., Saepe stilum vertas, iterum quae digna legi sint Scripturus.]
While we stop to think, we often miss our opportunity.
People are bewitched into believing that time slips away, and this belief is the basis of time actually slipping away.
I can think of no honorable answer. Why must some of us deliberate between brands of toothpaste, while others deliberate between damp dirt and bone dust to quiet the fire of an empty stomach lining? There is nothing about the United States I can really explain to this child of another world.
You think, 'Here's something I can hold on to,' but it always slips away.
Opportunity shies away from need, but opportunity is attracted by talent and ability. What you don't want to happen is opportunity to turn cool on you. You don't want to offend opportunity. So the only thing you present to opportunity is ability, performance and skill. Don't present need to opportunity.
The present is what slips by us while we're pondering the past and worrying about the future.
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