A Quote by Quintilian

Nothing can be pleasing which is not also becoming. — © Quintilian
Nothing can be pleasing which is not also becoming.
Now I've come to such a mixed culture: America, Europe, South America, Africa. And the politics are changing everywhere all the time and becoming even more unpredictable. There's no such thing as "fixed" culture. China is also becoming more global. Its problems are becoming international problems, becoming German problems, becoming American problems. Nothing is clear-cut. Perhaps I'll find my way - or get totally lost.
To say that which is instructive and also pleasing.
I hear nothings, I speak nothings, I take interest in nothing and from nothing to nothing I travel gently down the dull way which leads to becoming nothing.
The happiest conversation is that of which nothing is distinctly remembered, but a general effect of pleasing impression.
I want nothing to do with any religion concerned with keeping the masses satisfied to live in hunger, filth, and ignorance. I want nothing to do with any order, religious or otherwise, which does not teach people that they are capable of becoming happier and more civilized on this earth, capable of becoming master of his fate and captain of his soul.
Compassion does not only refine and civilize human nature, but has something in it more pleasing and agreeable, than what can be met with in such an indolent happiness, such an indifference to mankind, as that in which the stoics placed their wisdom. As love is the most delightful passion, pity is nothing else but love softened by a degree of sorrow: In short, it is a kind of pleasing anguish, anguish as well as generous sympathy, that knits mankind together, and blends them in the same common lot.
I see nothing but Becoming. Be not deceived! It is the fault of your limited outlook and not the fault of the essence of things if you believe that you see firm land anywhere in the ocean of Becoming and Passing. You need names for things, just as if they had a rigid permanence, but the very river in which you bathe a second time is no longer the same one which you entered before
Wrongly do the Greeks suppose that aught begins or ceases to be; for nothing comes into being or is destroyed; but all is an aggregation or secretion of preexisting things; so that all becoming might more correctly be called becoming mixed, and all corruption, becoming separate.
Plants and flowers of the commonest kind can form a pleasing diary, because nothing which calls back to us the remembrance of a happy moment can be insignificant.
For of all gainful professions, nothing is better, nothing more pleasing, nothing more delightful, nothing better becomes a well-bred man than #? agriculture
There should be in eloquence that which is pleasing and that which is real; but that which is pleasing should itself be real.
Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple, and it is also that difficult.
While I was in college becoming a good Catholic I was also becoming a writer - one haunted by Catholicism.
The parallel we like to make.... is the idea of becoming the next Warner Brothers, which is a company that creates the content, but they also produce the content. They also distribute; they also market. So we say that because Fine Bros. and Warner Brothers is fun to say.
So here is what it comes down to: the ultimate choice in life is between pleasing ourselves and pleasing God.
Every person with whom you interact is a part of the person you are becoming. Not a single interaction with a single person is left out of the process of your becoming. Many assume that only pleasing relationships have value, but that is not the case. Your awareness of an unwanted situation evokes from you a clear Vibrational request for something different. And so, even those uncomfortable interactions with others form the Vibrational basis of your expansion.
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