A Quote by R. D. Laing

We have to realize that we are as deeply afraid to live and to love as we are to die. — © R. D. Laing
We have to realize that we are as deeply afraid to live and to love as we are to die.
When a man knows how to live amid danger, he is not afraid to die. When he is not afraid to die, he is, strangely, free to live.
Some children are afraid to die because their parents are afraid to die. My own children have come to understand that it's totally okay with me if they die. They don't have to live for my sake.
I'm not afraid to live. I'm not afraid to fail. I'm not afraid to succeed. I'm not afraid to fall in love. I'm not afraid to be alone. I'm just afraid I might have to stop talking about myself for five minutes.
Suicide sometimes proceeds from cowardice, but not always; for cowardice sometimes prevents it; since as many live because they are afraid to die, as die because they are afraid to live.
You are afraid to die?' Yes, everyone is.' But to die as lovers may - to die together, so that they may live together. Girls are caterpillars when they live in the world, to be finally butterflies when the summer comes; but in the meantime there are grubs and larvae, don't you see - each with their peculiar propensities, necessities and structures.
When it's time to die, go ahead and die, and when it's time to live, live. Don't sort-of-maybe live, but live like you're going all out, like you're not afraid.
People are afraid to die, and even more afraid to live.
You are afraid to die, and you’re afraid to live. What a way to exist.
If you're afraid to die, you're afraid to live. You can't have one without the other.
Why am I afraid to dance, I who love music and rhythm and grace and song and laughter? Why am I afraid to live, I who love life and the beauty of flesh and the living colors of the earth and sky and sea? Why am I afraid to love, I who love love?
First, I am afraid to die and I love to live. But an adventure is only an adventure when there is the threat of dying.
But this is a thing that I know--to live with fear is not to live at all. A man will die every moment he is afraid.
I'm not afraid to die. But I'm afraid to not live.
I'm afraid to live and afraid to die.
Religion made half of us afraid to die, and the other half afraid to live.
I suggest you to do war but never love because in war either you live or you die. But in love neither you live nor you die.
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