A Quote by R. F. Delderfield

... every dog is allowed one bite. — © R. F. Delderfield
... every dog is allowed one bite.
Every dog is allowed one bite, but a different view is taken of a dog that goes on biting all the time. He may not get his licence returned when it falls due.
A dog can bite you but you must not bite the dog! Your every movement in life must be peaceful; otherwise you lose your ethical superiority! Nonviolent civil disobedience is a genius; no power can beat it; use it when necessary!
The remedy for thirst? It is the opposite of the one for a dog bite: run always after a dog, he'll never bite you; drink always before thirst, and it will never overtake you.
The bite of conscience, like the bite of a dog into a stone, is a stupidity.
You seeyou can beat a dog and it's going to do one of two things..it's gonna roll over and die or it's going to bite you and attack you. And I'm the kind of person..uh..whose the type of dog that will bite back..I wasn't going to roll over and die
You kick a dog long enough, that dog is going to bite you or die.
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.
Better give your path to a dog than be bitten by him in contesting for the right. Even killing the dog would not cure the bite
I have a big scar in my thigh from a dog bite by my German shepherd. His name was Ripper. He was trying to get in a fight with another dog, and I tried to break it up, and he got me pretty good.
I desperately want a dog, but I've been told I travel too much, and I'm not allowed to have a dog.
When the taste changes with every bite and the last bite tastes as good as the first, that's Cajun.
Beginning with the first bite, and for every bite after, that try to chew ten times.
... in the future a typical factory will host three workers: a man, a computer and a dog. The computer will do all the work. The man will feed the dog. And the dog's job? To bite the man - if he touches the computer.
My father, naturally, spoiled me when I was allowed to see him - flying to New York from Washington, alone, in those terrifying planes. He'd take me to Danny Kaye movies and rent a dog for me to walk in the park on Sunday - a different dog every Sunday - and then to have butterscotch sundaes with almonds at Schrafft's.
I had a really traumatizing experience growing up. When I was, like, 10 or 11, I was vegan. I'm not anymore, but I was, and I went to this hot dog place because I heard they had a veggie dog. I took a bite, and literally - I kid you not - it was a carrot in a bun. Horrifying.
Don't let the same dog bite you twice.
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